Max Verstappen - You must be blind

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"Can't you see I like you?" Max screams. "No. I can't." I yell back. "Why not? I've been so obvious about it." He replies. "Because I've been hurt and rejected enough times to know that's impossible!" I say strongly before storming out of his driver room before I can watch his eyes soften and fill with sadness. I make my way back to my own driver room. I run into the Alpha Tauri garage and duck into my driver room, slamming the door and locking it before breaking down into tears. I crumple onto the couch and sob. All the hurt and pain I've felt from previous relationships bubbling up.

It's impossible for max to have a crush on me. He's so kind and caring and nice and deserves someone who isn't so insecure about herself and so broken and hurt. I've never known a guy who actually likes me for me and isn't trying to use me to meet other drivers or get to my money. So there is no way he likes me. My own heart breaks at these thoughts as I have feelings for him but I've learned not trust them. I sob and sob into the couch, ignoring knocks at my door from team personnel as well as my teammate, Liam. After about 5 minutes I hear. "Y/n it's me, max. Please can we talk." His voice cracks, sounding as though he's been crying too. "Go away max." I say loud enough so he can hear me. "No, not until we talk." He says. I know he's not going to give up. "Fine." I say with a sniff, wiping the tears off my face. He opens the door and his face softens at the sight of me which makes tears well up again. He sits next to me, pulling me into his arms as a few more tears slip out and fall onto his shirt.

"Y/n look at me." He says, I lift my head, my watery eyes meeting his red ones. "I know you've been hurt in the past and it breaks my heart to know that, but what I told you was true and I am willing to spend every day for the rest of my life proving to you that I like, no I love you. I love you y/n. I do. The amount of support you have shown me and how happy you make me. I know now that I love you and I always will." He says, causing more tears to well up in my eyes so I duck my head and bury it into his neck. "I've just been used and told I'm unlovable so many times that I can't believe it." I say pulling my head away.

"Is it true? Are you being serious?" I ask, looking him in his eyes, searching for a signal to show he's lying. " I promise you and I will prove it to you." He says, softly placing his hand on my chin before pulling me in for a kiss. The kiss is soft and full of love. I feel the love he puts into the kiss and it makes me feel incredible. Tears stream down my face at the thought that maybe he does love me.

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