Enemy's with benifits ( part 1 )

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Authors POV - ok so you guys you know how I said I would take a break and be back with 5 chapters for each book well I couldn't wait to write and i have insomnia so I usually don't go to sleep until 9 or 11 am so I'm up to write most of the time but I use that time on TikTok and when I listen to TikTok sounds I think of ideas and titles and how many parts I want to put in and I also read books on wattpad where I get my ideas from like 10% of the time but TikTok mostly so I guess you'll be expecting 5 chapters from each book you read so I hope you enjoy I'm just making the titles and the summary's and I might add a few sneak peeks or not but yeah bye ( oh and I already posted this on my announcements book if you didn't see it I put it here to and I thought about doing a backstory in the beginning but I'm not so yeah and one more thing when it's underlined I'm talking about there past together or the stuff that happened before they got to the actual scene hope you enjoy sorry it took so long multishipper642 I hope this is what you wanted hope you enjoy it took me a long time which I don't like 😑🙄. And another thing this is the only chapter that's contains smut so if you want you can just read this one and skip the other two )
Not proof read

Nobody's POV
We can see two children playing outside smiling at each other but there are no kids outside except for them little did the children know there parents were enemies but let's go back a few years
Now we are in 1900 there parents are in there twenty's and thirty's we can see them on a field fighting there enemy's how did this happen ? this all happened because a long time ago there parents and there parents mother and father were enemy's with the Roronoa clan and the roronoa clan were enemy's with the monkey d. Clan too they never told there kids about this hatred They had for each other until they saw there sons and daughters becoming Friends with the other clan ( if you don't understand they all had one son and daughter and they saw them becoming friends ) they decided it was time to tell them why they never talked to them the roronoa clan after they told them it all changed it was like it was a new born hatred after that the two sons and daughters trained day and night to fight each other for one clan to win and then both of the daughters got pregnant with babies so they found out that monkey d son fucked the roronoa daughter and got her pregnant ( and the roronoa got the money d clan daughter pregnant) after there parents found out about this they had planned originally to not let the fathers see there kids but they ran away even after all of the hell they went through they still became enemy's no matter how much they tried to stop the hatred it never stopped for years it went on and on and then they lost there babies due to being poisoned by there parents before they left and not enough water but the they begged there boyfriends to have a kid again this was in 1998 they then gave birth to there children in the same room and they all made up and said to each other " we still
All hate each other but when the kids turn 10 or 9 we will tell them our clans and our past " they all nodded there heads they got rid of there hatred for each other and became friends with benefits ( not that type of benefits but the benefits where they are still freinds but they want both of there kids to be freinds to fight there biggest enemy they couldn't defeat who is he ? I really don't know either ( Out of there past )
Time skip ( there kids are 8 years old now )
They all met up in there living room and told there kids to go upstairs after slot of speaking on it they decided to tell there kids a little bit earlier there past the two children understood it well and they then said " it okay momma and papa we may start to hate each other but when we have to fight yours and ours biggest enemy we will do it together " after that there parents cried there tears were wetting the carpet while the husbands tried calming them down ( they live in a house together)
( Another time skip ⏭ to when they are 12 sorry for all the time skips )
Zoro POV
I was walking down the streets just normal day until I saw my worst enemy as well as my first best friend when we were children he was with another man I got jealous and my hands were shaking with anger while I was thinking on how to kill this man that actually was with my property I know I might be his enemy but he's mine and that's the end of so I went up to them luffy seen me and said " no not today don't do this " I knew what he meant the guy was looking confused and said " what do you mean ' no not today don't do this ' " I then said " you don't know tell him baby " this guy looked confused and said " what am I supposed to know something " luffy then told him he looked terrified of what I did to all the guys I seen him with he then said " your fucking crazy sorry luffy but I am not willing to die " I then laughed more like full on chuckled and said to luffy after the guy went away " you know I hate it when people hit on you or go out with you " luffy then nodded and said " oh come on it was just 1 guy no actually it was 290 guys " I just looked at him with the look ' yeah no shit shear lock I keep track of my kills ' he then said " so why are you here " I then said " I was just walking around " he then said under his breath but I still heard him " mmm liar " after he said that I just licked my lips from his attitude after that I picked him up and walked to my expensive apartment that's up in the clouds he tried getting out of my grip but it didn't work
( Time skip ⏭ to when they get there to zoro apartment )

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