The threat

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Lucy POV:
After the job I felt empty, helpless to the point I stopped caring about myself. About halfway through week two of not bathing or leaving my apartment I knocked over my purse. What came falling out shocked me The Letter. I had completely forgotten about it. I open the envelope and start reading.

Dear Lucy,
I recently got offered an amazing job opportunity. The only catch is that you have to marry the son of the family offering the career advancement. If you agree come back to my side. But as writing this I assume that your not going to comply so I've already made arrangements to gain leverage. If all goes according to plan than I should already in possion of your precious gate keys. So here's the deal every week you don't come back.  I'LL BREAK  ONE OF YOUR KEYS. I'll start with the silver keys then the gold. I'm impatient so I may not always wait a week. Make the right choice.
Love Your Father,
(P.S. Tell anyone in your pathetic guild I will break them all. No hesitation. I have eyes and ears everywhere.)

I start shaking. Sweat bullets forming on my face. On the verge of tears but also feel sick. A thousand thoughts race through my mind. "He wouldn't actually do that right? He would. Without a second thought. What do I do? DoI tell anyone? I can't risk it even if he is bluffing." My thoughts get interrupted with a knock on my door. I slowly walk over to the door and open it carefully. When I see who was standing there a wave of relief washes over me. It was my landlady but that wave of relief quickly gets overshadowed with a cloud of doubt when I see a letter in her hand. "You got a letter." She says. I don't reply I simply take it out of her hands and slam the door. I hastily rip open the envelope. When I see what was inside my heart drops to the bottom of my chest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2021 ⏰

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