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It was finally what was called but felt little like summer in Sheffield. The sky was partly cloudy and gave just enough sun for a pair of rose-coloured shades that made me feel like hot shit. Although trying to cut back on my consumption of grease, McDonalds was close and felt like the best option, as I had no intentions of simply boiling water.

I pulled into the line, which was far too long and would take far more time than necessary. After two-and-a-half songs (which is my customary measurement system), I was finally next in the cue. I decided on the cheapest thing from the menu and pulled up, turning down the stereo as not only a courtesy but so I could make sure my order was correct.

Hi, can I get a Cheeseburger no onions and no pickles, and umm a mango smoothie, I stuttered, adding on the Mango smoothie for an extra pound. Sure thing, thatll be- X amount of money, you dont need to know everything. You can just pull up to the first window to pay the boy on the other end sounded far too happy to be at work but I didnt put too much thought into it as I was trying to stress less. Alright thanks so much, I chirped back, his jovial mood unexpectedly boosting mine.

The window to the fast-food chain squeaked open and appeared a bright-eyed boy with messy brown hair and a distinct nose, the type of boy that some people look at and see potential. His pale skin was dotted with acne and a freckle or two, though he didnt seem the type to care about appearance. He spoke in a thick Sheffield accent, something I was still adjusting to just moving from Liverpool last month.

Hi, nice to put a name to face! the boy smiled at me Yeah, youre much younger than I expected, I mumbled, coming off flirtier than intended. Bout 19, love, he said back, a newfound confidence in the way he spoke, almost noticing that I was surprised by him being my age. I thought about saying something but ultimately decided against it, handing him my card instead. Right, y/n... he looked at the name on my card. What you doing after this? he looked up from my card into my eyes, his dark stare threatening to find its way into my life forever. Eating this I sassed back, sounding ruder than expected.

Sorry if this is crass but, would you like to talk after Im done here, in about 5 minutes, his confidence faded and he fiddled with the hem of his uniform. How do I know you wont kill me... Alexander? I questioned, peaking over my window at his nametag. I guess you dont. He laughed off. Eh, why not, Ill wait for you out front? I looked into his eyes, now glimmering with hope. Reyt, cool, yeah, definitely any ounce of confidence he had now gone. And, umm... just call me, Alex.

Telescopic Hallelujah || Alex TurnerWhere stories live. Discover now