Our Little Friend Group - Crossover - Hogwarts!AU - Mechanic (and Jack) Squad

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The 11 year old Latino boy sighed, swinging his feet around in his seat. How could he be so stupid? Why didn't he just follow Piper and Jason into their compartment? At least he wouldn't be so lonely now...But Leo knew he shouldn't be around them. He saw the looks he got. As soon as he stepped on the station, people around him were whispering and pointing at him while there were others who just don't care about him at all. He knows why they were whispering of course. It's because he's a Muggleborn but at the same time, he's a mechanic - and a very messy one too. He showed up in an oil splattered shirt, slightly burnt pants and a soot full of curly hair. Heck, if he saw himself at the station, he'll be ignoring himself too. 

Piper and Jason told him to ignore everyone but Leo couldn't. Piper and Jason had invited him over to their compartment a couple minutes earlier but Leo declined by saying," I don't want to be in a compartment full of sexual tension, thanks." Piper's face was burning up so much Leo was wondering who actually has fire powers. The curly haired boy shook his head and stared out of the window, missing his metal dragon friend Festus already. He then got a struck of inspiration. He took out some metal from his toolbelt and tried to make a Pygmy Puff-sized replica of Festus. When he was almost finished, his empty compartment door suddenly opened. He looked up and saw that he was staring back to a pair of bright green eyes. 

The freckled faced boy fiddled with the books in his arms. "Uhh sorry for the intrusion but is...is that a robotic dragon you're making?". Leo stared at the boy in surprise. Mostly because he knows that it's a dragon (even though Leo didn't finish it's tail yet) and because the kid wasn't looking at him in disgust or acting like he wants to beat Leo up. Leo blinked at him before answering. "Yeah it is. It's kinda of a smaller version of my metal dragon friend back at home," Leo said, holding up his tail-less dragon for the boy to see. The boy rushed to his side at once, inspecting the model.

"It doesn't look like any dragon I know of... It doesn't seem to be a Deadly Nadder, the head isn't so... It's not a Scauldron either since the neck is supposed to be longer...And obviously it's not a Gronckle...," The boy muttered, opening his textbook. Leo got a glimpse at the title. Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them by Newt Scammander. 'This guy likes reading huh...Kinda like Annabeth...' Leo thought, his arms feeling tired from holding up the dragon too long. The boy continued muttering. " Okay so there's a chance that it's a Chinese Fireball...or maybe the Hungarian Horntail? No maybe it's more of a Norwegian Ridgeback...Hmm or it could be a Peruvian Vipertooth...The Ukranian Ironbelly still stands..."

Leo snapped his fingers infront of the guy. "Hey uhh, buddy? You still on Earth? Good. Hey, can I just rest my hands for awhile? I'm getting tired." The boy looked up to him and blinked. "Oh right, sorry." Leo shook his head," Don't fret it." The freckled boy looked at the dragon in wonder." What type of dragon is it?" Leo suddenly realized that he had no idea what type of dragon Festus is. "Uhh a metal one," was Leo's great answer. 'Great job, Valdez. Bet he's thinking you're an idiot right now...' but guy just nodded his head and helped Leo put the tail on Festus Jr. After awhile, the two boys were just talking and joking around, having fun. Leo found out the boy's name was Hiccup and he was from Scotland. Leo tried to hide his laugh but made a mental note to put Hiccup's name in his Future Puns List. 

When they were done, the door was - again - opened and there was a boy about their age, he was wearing his dark hair up in a ponytail and had a huge smile on his face. Beside him was a boy with black hair and brown eyes, who looked like their age as well. Behind them, however, was a small boy who had black-white hair and a freckled face like Hiccup. The three waltzed in and asked Leo and Hiccup about the dragon. Leo was happy to answer their questions and was open to their criticisms although there weren't so much of the latter. Leo found out that the black haired guy's name was Hiro and the guy with the ponytail's name was Sokka. "Hey, man, what's up with the ponytail? Aren't those for girls?" Leo pointed out. "eXcUsE mE?!" The blue eyed boy yelled, shaking Leo. "tHiS iS a WaRrIoR wOlF tAiL! tHeRe iS a DiFfErEnCe, oKaY?!" Since Sokka was clearly touchy about his ponytail- ahem, 'warrior wolf tail', Leo let the argument slide. 

The black-white haired boy's name was Carlos. To the other four boys' surprise, Carlos was a year younger than them. He said that he was here early because his mother, who is a very famous and powerful witch, made lots of deals and such so Carlos can be the youngest and best wizard in school. The four boys immediately made a little protection squad for Carlos, saying that they'll protect and help him no matter what. Leo noted that Carlos looked much happier after. Some lady was outside their compartment not that long after, asking what they would like. Hiccup, being the richest between them, bought a bit of everything for his friends and they all feasted on Pumpkin Pastries and Chocolate Frogs. And for the third time during the trip, the door opened yet again but this time, there were two girls outside. One had pink hair and yellow eyes while the other looked African but both came to look at the inventions that the boys made on their trip. 

"I'm Mei Hatsume and this is Shuri," The pin haired girl said, taking a seat beside Sokka and eating a Chocolate Frog. Shuri sat down beside Carlos and took a licorice. Suddenly, tiny Festus jumped out from Leo's bag and the girls fawned over the tiny dragon, saying how cute he is and how amazing the machinery is. They got along pretty well, considering that they were the only two girls between five boys but they didn't mind. Later, as Hiccup went to the washroom, he found a white haired boy sitting in a corner, all alone and no friends or compartment in sight. Hiccup invited him over to the already full compartment but no one minded. The white haired boy's name was Jack Frost. The room got a bit chilly when he got in so Leo warmed himself up a bit. Carlos, Sokka and Hiccup were fine with the cold so they sat near Jack while the others sat near Leo. Leo and Jack made a silent agreement to not sit beside each other unless needed. 

As the day slowly turns to night, the compartment that used to be quiet and lonely was now one of the loudest and crowded compartments. Sokka and Leo were having a pun war and Jack was dared by Mei to try out a Bertie Bott's Every Flavored Beans when the compartment opened for the fourth time on the trip, except this time, it was a teacher who opened the door. "So, I heard there was a dragon in here, mind if I see it?" Tony Stark said, leaning against the wall. Everyone in the compartment was a huge fan of Tony Stark (and rly, can you blame them?) but they were quite surprised that he knew about tiny Festus. "Snotlout must've thought it was funny to see me get detention on the first day," Hiccup muttered. The green eyed boy looked at his friends apologetically," I'm sorry I think my uhh friend told him about the dragon." Leo was a little sad that his invention will have to go but he did what Tony said anyways. "It's fine. The secret was meant to get out anyways."

Tony took the dragon in his hands before watching tiny Festus do amazing things that Tony was super impressed. "Did you guys make this?". Jack shook his head," Leo did. We all just kinda pitched in and put some adjustments here and there." Tony looked at Leo. "How long did it take you to make this?". Leo pondered that for a second. "Umm maybe an hour or two? It would've been three if I did it alone but I had Hiccup to help me with it in the end so thanks, man," Leo said, thumping Hiccup on the back. Hiccup smiled at Leo. Tony stared at them in amazement. "What's this thing's name?"

Again, Leo pondered on that until he remembered the conversation he had with Shuri earlier when she had the same question. Leo took the dragon from Tony's hands and held it up high. "I now dub you, FETUS SON OF FESTUS." Tony grinned, crossing his arms. "Okay, I'm letting this slide. You guys have amazing potential." Tony looked out of the compartment to make sure no one was listening before bending low to them, his voice quiet," How about we have a little club? A mechanic club? We'll meet every two days at 9 p.m."

Jack raised his hand," I'm not a mechanic, though." Tony pondered that," Then you'll be the water boy. You know, bring us food and water." Leo laughed but Jack just shrugged and agreed. Tony grinned wider at them and stood up straight again," Well, this has been a nice trip. See you, Mechanic - and Jack - Squad."

They spent the rest of the trip fanboying/fangirling over Tony Stark


So, what do you guys think about this? I'm sorry if it's a bit OOC. I was in a hurry. If there's anything you want me to change or add, just say the word and I'll do it. I promise. And uhh now I have class. Sea you guys! :D

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