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August 1981... An Unknown Place in England 

The lights were barely on, the house was empty. Well, barely empty if you count the three people in the master bedroom. The sounds of a baby's crying rang throughout the house. The child's parents made their way quickly from their dinner to the master bedroom to attend to the child. 

"I thought you already put him to sleep?" asked the mother as she ran up the stairs. 

"I did," replied her husband. "I did everything you asked me to do: rock him and sing him lullabies, then carefully place him on the cradle." 

You wouldn't really expect the greatest dark lord in the world to be an unexperienced parent. Thomas Marvolo Riddle Jr. or Voldemort, as if followers called him, wasn't really the best person when it came to raising kids and what would you expect? A Dark Lord had its responsibilities. 

"Did you make sure to move the mobile?" asked his wife. 

His eyes widened. She rolled her eyes in mirth. "Oh Thomas, what shall I do with you?" she said chuckling. 

Thomas rolled his eyes as well but chuckled as he stared longingly at his wife, Melian. 

Melian, a beautiful name if you asked him. She told him once that her name meant "Dear Gift" in her language and he couldn't agree more. She was a gift to him, and no one could tell him otherwise. To others he seemed like a cold and distant leader, unforgiving in his conquest to rule but to Melian, he was soft and delicate with her, something no one ever saw. 

The couple arrived to their bedroom and made their way to the white crib. The mobile had not moved which caused Melian to stare sharply at her husband. She looked down and smiled as she picked up her little bundle of joy, her child. She placed him carefully on her chest and began to sing. 

Thomas closed his eyes, he felt as if she was singing to him. The song, which I shall note here was one of the most beautiful to ever grace the ears of us mere mortals, and only a small part of it has been heard since: 

Ter i lóme, nai lye ómanya rahtuva,

Or i súre, nai lyenna órenya wilyuva... 

Nai loruvalye,Hendu holine...Nai loruvalye, Éli calime...

Á sasta ingalya or telcunyat, nanwie nauvar ilye olorilyar

Á pata ter fend' ex' Ardanna,
Á papátu mina tyelepta cala 

Nai loruvalye,Hendu holine...Nai loruvalye,Éli calime...

Á sasta ingalya or telcunyat, nanwie nauvar ilye olorilyar 

Slowly, the child fell asleep and Melian just as carefully placed him back to his cradle. "Húmë Nín, Estelion, Húmë Nín." 

She took a breath and smiled at the sleeping figure of her son before turning and looking at her husband who was looking at her in pure bliss, a soft smile on his face. "Why are you looking at me like that, Meldanya?" she asked. 

"Is it wrong to look at my wife, my darling nightingale?" he replied, causing her to chuckle. 

"No, no it isn't..." 

The two laughed a bit, though Thomas laughed a bit louder than his wife. Before long, Melian shushed her husband. "Don't be too loud... Estelion is sleeping." 

Estelion. A name from a far age before we came. Thomas was a bit confused where Melian found such a name, she replied that it was always her wish to name her son as such. In an ancient tongue, the word Estel meant Hope. Her son was the hope, the hope of a brighter future to the darkness that is the wizarding world. 

He nodded. "Of course." he said as he stared at his son sleeping peacefully. "He has your looks." 

"And your ears and nose, don't forget," said Melian. He never really liked that he barely had his features but soon got over it. "Soon enough, Meldanya, he'll be acting like you and him looking like me won't even matter." 

"I'll take your word for it," said Thomas shaking his head. 

All of a sudden, the hairs of Thomas' neck went straight up and he paled. Melian looked on worriedly at her husband. "What's wrong?" she asked. 

"He's here." 

Melian whipped out her wand as she quickly locked all the windows. Thomas followed suit as he took out his wand. They made their way out of the room, Melian making sure to lock the door with as much spells as she could manage, and made their way out. 

"How did they break through the wards?" she asked as they walked. 

"I don't know, Melian, but we shouldn't underestimate Albus Dumbledore..." said Thomas under his breath. "For now, just focus on protecting the house and Estelion." 

She nodded and they continued walking out till they reached the outer lawn of the Rivalneth Manor (Rivalneth being Melian's family.) There, standing at the foot of the house was Albus Dumbledore. He was wearing a greyish cloak and a square cap. In his hands, he was fiddling with the Elder Wand. 

"I did not expect to see you so soon, Dumbledore," said Thomas. 

Dumbledore's expression was grave. "It was quite easy to break through the wards..." 

"Why are you here, Dumbledore?" 

"You know why I am here, Tom," replied Dumbledore. "To put an end to your dark tyranny." 

"A Tyranny which you started," retorted Melian. "We have done nothing but achieve our goals of providing peace to the wizarding world." 

"By persecuting muggleborns?" cried Lily Potter, someone Melian had a high respect for. "That is not peace." 

"Enough of this!" exclaimed Thomas, aiming his wand. "You are trespassing on our property and will pay for that." 

"If I must..." said Dumbledore coldly. "I am very sorry about this Tom." 

Thomas growled as he aimed his wand. "Confringo!" 

A burst of flame launched from his wand, flying towards the aged wizard. Dumbledore only sighed as he blocked it with a wave of his wand. 

Then...all was dark. 

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