pt: 5

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(This is only for the plot of the book I you don't like it than I'm sorry)  sorry for not posting for so long I took a long break but enjoy a picture of me and my friend on roblox for an apology 😭

Smoke was blown in my face causing me to wheeze and gasp for air. I've never smoked before but I'm guessing this is what it feels like. My lungs were burning and I could hardly breath I felt like someone was burning holes in my stomach the stranger quickly grabbed me and lifted me up on my feet dragging me around I finally got the smoke out of my eyes and faced the man pulling away

"Who are you?!"

I stepped back while they looked at me all weird and confused

"He didn't tell you?" the man dusted off his shirt

"Who didn't tell me what?!" I was obviously confused this person trying to kidnap me could have told me but who it is and what do they want?

"Ah yes I should have told you, my names garcello!"
He held out his name for a handshake I was about to shake it before he threw away his cigarette and lighted another making him cough more

"Err never mind garcello it was?" he nodded his head in agreement to my question

"And why do you need me?" I played with my hair nervous for an answer

"I don't tabi does" he coughed a bit more clearing his throat

Hmmm so it's tabi that wants to see me why should I after he tried to kill me

"Tell him I said no"

"Oh I don't think you really have a choice" a voice came from behind me it sounded so familiar it bothered me I knew who it was but my body was stopping me from turning around to see if I was correct

A hand was placed on my shoulder making me shutter I turned around to yup be greeted by tabi, I pushed his hand off and steped back only to run into garcello he wrapped his arms around me making me unable to run I struggled to break free but I focused on tabi getting closer to me


I finally stopped feeling defeated and panted trying to catch my breath he lifted my head up with us meeting eyes

"See? No choice. Now throw her in the car"

He opened a door behind him and threw my in quickly slamming the door it was child locked so it was impossible to open the door no where was safe now I was trapped their was nothing I could do

I banged on the glass hoping someone would see or hear me but it was hopeless their was no escape. Their was a window separating the front and back seats it was closed so I couldn't hear or see what was going on.

The car had just started moving which left me to just look out the window at all the passing cars and all the buildings lights were on still but I knew no one could see me.

Who would bother to even help someone anyway I sighed and slouched back in the seat waiting for a stopping point so once they open the door I can run if I'm fast enough.

With me being 5"7 and pretty long legs I think I could outrun them.

I pondered looking for more ways to try to escape maybe breaking the window? Nah it would be to loud and they would catch up to me faster maybe fight back than run? Looking back on when I tried to break through the arms of that garcello man I knew that would be helpless if they caught up to me.

I realised I could do nothing but just let them lead me on or I could lead them on.

Yes me here the creator I'm sorry I took so long to write this chapter I officially discontinued my other book so I could work on this one instead sorry this chapter is short I was tired 😔 (more lazy)

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