Ch-2 A Vampire Decides I Am No Good A Human

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Next morning , I was still wondering about that cloaked thing but I put it out if my mind pretty soon. I brushed my teeth , got into a blue dress and looked up in my bathroom mirror to draw my star .

That's when I saw the same black , cloaked thing I did last night. Except it wasn't a thing , it was a man. A tall man wearing a black cloak . He had red eyes which scared me out of my wits and jet black hair . He was walking towards me in a very slow speed like a ghost gliding towards the person in those typical horror movies . I tried not to think about what happens to the person next . I did what I thought was right . I screamed at the top of my lungs and began to run .

But that man ran the fastest I've ever seen , like one second he was across me and the other , he was next to me . He grabbed my arm and bit me right on my neck . It was very painful . It was like my whole body was on fire . It just grew intense and then everything went black . After that what happened I have no idea . But the next thing I knew , I was in a place where everything was white .
Was I dead?
Is it my burial?
No , it couldn't be . I knew what was going on , except for the fact that I was clueless about what was going on . I was alive . I understood the reason everything was white . I was in a hospital room . My neck was hurting a lot . I tilted my head sideways . Mom was sitting right next to me . Adele and Dad were standing not too far from Mom . Ade was crying . She had her arms around Dad . I quickly sat up but Mom made me lie down again .
'What's going on? Why am I here? Who was that cloaked man? What was he doing in my room? How did he get in? I remember locking all the doors and windows. What did he want? Who was he?' I asked in that rapid-fire machine gun way of mine .
If the situation would have been different , I would have also added that the cloaked guy was an idiot because cloaks are so out of fashion nowadays . But I decided not to say that .
'It's alright , sweetheart', said Dad , 'Don't worry about anything right now'
'What do you mean by 'don't worry about anything right now'?' I demanded , 'I'm in a hospital and you people are not telling me why! I only remember that man coming towards me and then he ran super fast and then he grabbed my arm and then he bit me!'
Adele crying increased . I got even more clueless.
'That man wasn't an ordinary one', Mom said , confusing me even more
'What do you mean by that?'
I wasn't that blank even on my Arithmetics exam and that's saying something.
'He was a vampire', Dad said , 'And now , you are one too'
'WHAT!' I shouted
Apparently , that single sentence answered all my questions . Vampires can teleport . That's how he got in . Vampires can run very fast . Every puzzle piece fell right into place .
I know it sounds weird but the only thing that entered my mind now was : CAN I STILL HAVE MOM'S BROWNIES AND CAKES?
I remained silent for a few moments with a mixture of a pout and a scowl on my face .
'You won't treat me differently now , will you?'
'Of course not , baby', said Adele , finally letting go of Dad
Baby? Is her mind okay?
'When can I get home? What about Petalbloom? We were supposed to go to Nottery Street today , right? When will we go? Tell me!!' I again bombarded my family with questions
'You can go back home tomorrow . You will be going to Petalbloom . And we will go to Nottery Street on Wednesday', Mom said , answering all my questions
She was better at it than Dad . He just told me to slow down and ask one question at a time .
'Now you rest', Dad told me , pointing to the bed .
I pretend fainted onto the bed with my tongue sticking out and my arms and legs in weird positions but my eyes open . Mom and Dad laughed . Ade just smiled .
'I'm serious , Althea', said Dad , still smiling
I gave a huge fake sigh and went to sleep .
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The first thing I realised when I woke up was : How did I fall asleep? I knew vampires don't sleep . Then how did I?
I was trying figure that out when Dad entered the room , followed by Mom , Adele and a guy in a white coat with a stethoscope hanging on his neck and a note pad in his hand : a doctor.
'How did I fall asleep?' I asked , 'Vampires don't sleep!'
'That's because you are not a vampire by blood', the doctor said, 'I'm Dr. Smith , by the way'
'Meaning that your parents are not vampires and nor are your grandparents. And by your blood tests it doesn't seem that anyone ever was one in your family'
'You are a half-blood', Mom told me , 'Half vampire , half human'
'I'm hungry. Give me chocolate', I said
'You can't have chocolates!' Ade said
'Because you are a vampire now', said Dad
'No more brownies and cakes?'
I scowled , darkly
'You'll choke on normal human food , child', said Dr. Smith , 'Even if it's liquid' , he added , squashing my last 'melted chocolate' thought
'Then what's the point of being half human when I can't eat?'
'By 'half human' we mean that your appearances won't change', he explained, 'Like you won't have fangs and-'
'Vampires have fangs?' I interrupted
'Althea , it's rude to interrupt!' Mom told me
'Oh , it's fine. I can't expect you to not interrupt when you have so many questions in mind . And , yes , vampires do have fangs . Hey , by fangs , I meant larger canines than humans! Not tusks like an elephant!' Dr. Smith said , spotting the look on my face , 'And your eyes will gradually come back to how they normally were.'
'What do you mean? Aren't my eyes normal?'
'Nah, they are red'
'Are they?'
'And creepy , too', Adele added
I stuck my tongue out at her . She returned it with a scowl . The grown ups all laughed .
'Now , u both stay here while Kate and I have a word with the doctor', Dad told us
'Okayyyy', we answered
When they left , Ade picked up her phone and started texting somebody. I watched her for a while , then got bored and picked up my phone (Mom brought it) and watched some videos . There was nothing much to do . I got bored again. I started thinking about me as a vampire , that cloaked man and going to Petalbloom as a vampire . It felt somewhat weird . Before I could think of anything else , Mom , Dad and Dr. Smith came back .
'Hey!', said Dr. Smith with a enthusiastic smile , 'I wanna talk to you'
I didn't say 'Hello' but I smiled a small smile in reply to let him know I was paying attention to what he wanted to say .
'Now , your parents told me that you'll be going to Petalbloom academy for your first year , is that right?'
I nodded my head in agreement.
'You're pretty lucky , actually', He said , 'I wanted to go there , too , you know? But I pretty much flunked my Arithmetic and Geography examinations . But , anyways , coming back to you , you'll need lessons to know yourself a bit better now you're a vampire.'
'Say what?' I asked
'Lessons . You see , when you turned into a vampire , you developed some abilities that you didn't have before .'
'Like what?'
'Um...let's see . Like you'll be able run very fast , jump real high , your hearing senses and eyesight will be increased a lot and more stuff . For that you'll need lessons so you won't be discovering things at school ,' the doctor answered
'When will my eyes go back to blue?'
'In a few days'
'But the person who appeared in my bathroom had red eyes! Not many have red eyes by birth! Unless he was a new vampire too?'
'No, he cannot be a new vampire . They are usually little kids like you .
'He must be a Cader then , for all I know .'
'A what?' I asked
'A Cader. Your Dad must know all about them keeping in mind that he works in the Crime Department in the Ministry.'
'You do?'I said , turning my head towards Dad
'Oh yes', He said, 'The Caders are the most ancient vampires to ever exist . They consider themselves noble and royal for some reason . They like attacking little kids . My team and I look around for vampires around specific areas and force them to go back to Bellicus where they belong so the attacks would minimise. The ministry was kinda shocked when they got to know my own daughter had been attacked . They are gonna do a thorough investigation around our area . They hope that they'll find that Cader but fat chance they'll succeed. They are hella quick'
'Yes', answered Dr. Smith, 'Now let's finalise the time of your lesson. So, it's 4:00 pm now . What about 5:30?'
'Yes , 5:30 is fine', nodded Dad
'Will you be there?' I asked the doctor
'Yes , but I'll just be taking notes . There will be an instructor who's gonna explain everything.'
'I'll come to your room at approximately 5:15 and take you to the training grounds . Is that alright'
I nodded
'That's settled, then. See you!' said Dr. Smith before he left the room

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2021 ⏰

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