Chapter 1 New Neighbour

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"Thanks Sam. You're truly my best friend." said Nisha (Nish) with tears in her eyes and a slight smile on her face. Sam gave a squeeze on her shoulder and said- "It will be alright!"

Samiksha, a.k.a Sam, was an intelligent and sweet girl of about 16. Everyone's favourite. She had never been in a relationship, but was the best advisor in the entire of Khimsar , for a relationship advice. She was the only child of her parents and would be the only support of her parents in their old age.

That day Sam came home at 2 in the afternoon, after a good ice cream party with her friends at the Khatta Meetha Stores. She went straight to her room and started studying for her Maths Quiz competition, for which she was selected and the teachers had high hopes from her that like every year, their school topper, Sam would bag the winner's trophy.

After 15 minutes, she heard a knock on their front door. She paused for a minute and turned to look back towards her closed bedroom door. Thinking that her dad would open the door and that it would've been someone who had come to ask for alms, as it was regular, she resumed her studies. She heard a loud voice, like a young man coming from outside. "I've never heard this voice before. I wonder who it is." She was curious to know. She normally never used to come out of her room to greet someone if she was busy. it was as if the voice was pulling her towards itself. Curious to know who it was, she opened the door. As soon as she opened, she saw a young, muscular man, with broad shoulders, dark eyes and wavy hair standing in front of her dad. He looked like a guy in his mid 20's. He was standing with both his hands folded and one could easily see his muscles from a distance. For some reason, she kept on looking at that guy and her heart started racing. She got lost in his eyes. "Sam!!" shouted her father as she snapped out of her thoughts. "What happened to you, darling? Are you alright?" "Yes, dad. I'm alright. I came out to check when I heard an unfamiliar voice." "Oh!!" he giggled "well, meet our new neighbour, Boby. He likes to meet people and make friends, that's why he came here to introduce himself." Sam waved her hand a bit and said, "Hello Mr. Boby. It's a pleasure to meet you." "We'll, likewise." he said as he gave a slight nod to her. After 2-5 minutes, he bade goodbye and left the house.

That night the hot topic on the dining table was 'Boby, the new neighbour'. Sam's father kept talking about Boby to her mother as she couldn't meet him. Sam listened to her father with full attention as she wanted to know more about the guy, who made her heart race at her very first sight of his and who got stuck in her mind. She got to know that he was a police officer and was posted in Khimsar. The next thing which she heard,  almost made her choke on her food as she couldn't believe her ears. "Boby is 34 years old and now will be living with his wife, in our neighborhood." "Boby is married???"

That night, as she lay on her bed, she couldn't think of anything or anyone but Boby. "Why did my heart race when I first saw him? And why did I get a shock on hearing that he is married and is 34 years old? Why has he got stuck in my mind? It has never happened to me before." She had heard her friends say the exact same thing when they used to fall in love with someone.

"Am I in love with Boby?"

To be continued

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