1st Person - Past Tense

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If you really want to hear about it then I'll tell you, but it pains me to go back to that part in my life.

I suppose it all started when my sister passed away. Like all deaths it was sudden. First, she was here, and then she was gone. It was me who found her lying lifeless at the foot of an old oak tree that stood proudly in the forest near my home. My body shook as I called an ambulance but after being out in the cold for hours there was little hope of survival. I was there when they switched off the machine that kept her alive.

My heart was broken. Shattered into a million pieces, and Jasmine's accident was what tipped my mother over the edge. First, the discovery that my father was seeing his secretary, Hilary, the office tart, behind her back, that horrific revelation tore apart my parents' marriage. That lead to Jasmine running away from home hours before the ferocious storm that would eventually claim her life.

I'd lose everything, but worse than that, I watched my mum's sanity slowly slipping away from her and after she was finally sent away, I too had to leave. Torn from the only mother I'd known I was forced to pack my bags and move to the other side of the county to go and live with my uniquely unusual great aunt Rosamund.

Childless and alone, but never lonely. Aunt Rosamund welcomed me with open arms, her warmth, her home and her cooking were things looking back on, I took for granted. If only I'd stayed there then perhaps I wouldn't be in this mess that I currently find myself struggling to get out of. I often wonder what my life would have turned into if I'd stayed where I was and where I was happy instead of choosing what I thought would be the fun way out. A new life in the darkness, a new family to call my own and the chance of an adventure I never thought I'd have. This wasn't what I signed up for.

This was hell.

I sat at a small desk in my room on the third floor of a grand stately home. Having been out late with my biological father and one of my brothers, sleep was all I wanted. But that life was something I found myself struggling to get used to.

Oh, I haven't told you yet, have I? You see Aunt Rosamund had a deep dark secret, something she knew about me and about my start in life that no one, not even myself, would ever understand. I was a Vampire, at least that was what I was told. Born to a Lady from the Vampiric clan of Westenra and a married Count of Clan Wolfgang, and yes, I was half of the product of their affair. The other half, well, I had a twin brother, Jacovski, known as Jack. He too learnt of his true identity late in life, but unlike me, our father doted on him and Vampire life suited him well.

All I wanted was for my father to accept me as his own like he did my brothers and sisters. But inside my beating heart, I knew I was nothing like them I had started to wonder if the Vamp's and I were related at all.

I'd watched Jack change from a young boy of fourteen years old into a fang mouth creature hell-bent on finding his next blood meal, whereas I stayed pretty much the same. I had now powers. I had no use in life. I felt like shit, actually, no, I felt worse than shit. I felt like nothing and nobody. I'd watch my family grow, as my uncle's heir and as a male, Jack stood to inherit everything, the stately home, the estate, the throne, even the title Count Westenra, would eventually be his once uncle Giovanni died. What would I get? Would I get a title? No. Would I get a nice post stately home to call my own? No. What my future had inline for me was something I still had to figure out.

But all I wanted was to go home and to start again. Like I said before, this was not what I wanted.

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