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Michi POV

"Come on workaholic, time to talk work" Chae says as soon as I open the door "you taking the job?"

"I should. I want to. I mean I really want to" I sigh, as we flop on the couch together

"But" Chae dramatically sighs with me

"But a part of me can't" I state

"And why is that?" She asks

"I don't know" I put my hand out and Chae hands me a beer

"I think I know why" Chae giggles

"Why" I face her

"Mystery crush man. Who might I add is so in NCT Dream" she replies

"What! How do you know" I jump up "I mean no it isn't"

"Sweetie you think you can kind things for me?" She aws "that's cute"

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"Sweetie you think you can kind things for me?" She aws "that's cute"

"Why do you say that is a dream member" I scoff

"Because you won't tell me, so it had to be someone who worked for, and they are your age. You also would never second guess taking this job offer if it wasn't because it meant not seeing him" Chae says in her smug tone "I'm gonna guess either Renjun or Chenle"

"Why" I turn red

"Because you're always the one to pick up Chenle and Renjun was your ideal type when we were in school" she laughs "deny all you like, but I know"

"Yeah" I glare at her jokingly before taking a drink.

We start to gossip and catch up before looking picking a movie to watch.

While Chae scrolls the depths of Netflix I feel my phone buzz and I see I got two texts from Renjun

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While Chae scrolls the depths of Netflix I feel my phone buzz and I see I got two texts from Renjun.

'Noona remember dinner, we're about to eat
Hope you're resting well.'
'You seemed distracted lately, Chenle says you've been debating something
I know you'll make the right decision for you
Fighting! - RJ'

I smile down at my phone, losing track of everything around me until I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"So I'm right about Renjun" Chae giggles

"No" I stutter

"Stop denying the true" she laughs

"Okay fine I do" I snap "I like him!"

I stop, sitting back as it was my first time accepting the fact for myself.

"Aw my baby is smitten" Chae says in a cutesy tone

As Chae puts a movie on I sit thinking about Renjun

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As Chae puts a movie on I sit thinking about Renjun. As I'm in aw with my new found acceptance of my feelings, I can't help but smile at the thought of him. But that gets to a sudden stop when my business brain starts thinking.

I can't work with him with these feelings, that's unprofessional. I have to take the promotion, I can't let my feelings get in the way... but then I won't be able to see him again... but my career is what's most important to me right now. I have to take it... even if it ruins my chances with him. I must focus on me first. Right? Right!

I don't let myself think a second longer before standing up and walking somewhere quieter to call Mr Choi.

"Hello miss Kinoshita" he answers

"I accept the offer to take over when you retire" I state

"Oh I'm so glad to hear, a young perspective need to in the higher up" he chuckles "I'll tell them right away, enjoy your Sunday, see you tomorrow"

"See you tomorrow" I smile before he hangs up

I put my phone down as it hits me on what I just did.

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