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Mystique: Prologue

"Once upon a time there was a queen and king. They had twin daughters. Ava and Eva, they were almost complete opposites. Ava had light hair; she was sweet and outgoing personality. Where as on the other side, Eva had dark hair; she was harsh and very shy. Starting in school, Eva was called ugly and Ava was called beautiful. Those lables followed her throughout her life. Time passes, the queen dies a year before the king. When the king, their father had died the kingdom was given to them. Each had been given equal reign over the kingdom of, Mystique. The towns people had shunned and disregarded Eva. That made her angry. Ava seemed to have everyone's hearts won. Eva ran away one day into the forest. Six years later she returns cursing the kingdom. The had discovered black magic. She locked her sister, Ava in her room. She started to destroy the whole kingdom. She heard her sister cry, 'stop this nonsense please. What is it you want?'

Eva replied 'I want half of this kingdom and half of the people here.'

Ava agreed, 'Take what you must.'

Eva smiled and did what she wanted. She curse the kingdom and put a barrier around her kingdom. She called it the Mystic. Her followers were reeducated and taught evil and dark things like black magic. And even now the kingdom is seperated."

I was just six years old when my mother told me that story. I am now seventeen, and it is still like that. I live in Mystic, Eva's kingdom. Now the people here are called witches. However I am different. My father is a witch and my mother was a fairie. She came from Mystique. Their people are called fairies. My kind are the forlorn, the forgotten, the hopeless, and the lost. Hybrids are not welcome in either kingdoms. It is against both kingdoms' laws to interbreed. That earns you the death penalty.

I have managed to hide my wings and my familiar. I hide my fairy side but it has gotten a lot harder to do so.

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