Better be....

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Victoire's POV


I'd been sorted into slytherin, shocker.

Okay, let's rewind. After dinner that night, I had gone up to bed and packed everything I owned into my trunk to prepare for Hogwarts and barely got any sleep in anticipation to see my new school.

When I woke our maid, Millie, informed me that my mother wanted me ready to leave within the hour.

I quickly gathered my things, and made my way downstairs where breakfast awaited me. I grabbed a plate and sat across from Emile who glared at me before returning to her meal.

"Now Victorie," my mother started, "I expect you to be a perfectly respectable young lady. I will not have your Veela ways tarnishing the family name."

"Yes, maman, I understand."

Emile let out a stream of giggles in response to my scolding and I quickly shot her a warning look.

"It's time for you to be leaving now," she snarked.

"Aww you're making sure I'm there on time. How, kind."

I grabbed my things and bid my mother farewell then headed to the floo.

"Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts."


I stumbled out of the fireplace to a cozy office and was greeted by an old woman with a kind face and an even older man with a twinkle in his eye

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I stumbled out of the fireplace to a cozy office and was greeted by an old woman with a kind face and an even older man with a twinkle in his eye.

The older man spoke first, " Welcome, Miss Andreport, I suspect you're anxious to be introduced to the school so I'll make this quick! My name is Headmaster Dumbledore and this is professor McGonagall."

The woman, McGonagall, gave me a welcoming smile that made me feel comfortable. 

"First order of business, you'll have to be sorted into a house. Don't worry too much, the hat will place you where you will succeed. Please come sit over here."

I followed his orders and he placed an old looking hat on my head.


I couldn't help but think, "oh my Merlin, the hat talks."

"No they can't hear me, just you can"

"Oh," I thought.

"Now, now where to place you...

Hmmm you're quite kind, 

but intelligence and creativity are not your lock,

You're not one to shy from something,

But hmmm,

Your ambition drives your other traits.

It is the heart of your success.

I think..."


Professor Dumbledore waved his wand and my robes turned to green and the crest changed to what must be the Slytherin crest.

"Well, congratulations on Slytherin, Miss. Andreport," said McGonagall, "I'll bring your schedule to dinner."

"I'll have one of the Slytherin Prefects come get you to give you the tour," added Dumbledore.


The prefect they sent to me was a short, absolutely gorgeous blonde girl with impeccable manners, named Narcissa Black. She showed the need to know places around the castle and gave me the basic run down on information I needed. In our chat, I learned more about the social do's and dont's of Hogwarts than anything else but it was still useful information.

"Cissy! Who do we have here?" exclaimed a tall girl with fair skin and black hair. I don't know if this is weird to say about a stranger but she gives me bad vibes.

We looked at each other and ended up caught in a staring contest that I was determined not to loose. The girl burst into laughter and held out her hand to shake.

"I like you. Bellatrix Black."

"Victorie Andreport."

"You planning on sitting with us, Victorie Andreport?"

"Why, of course."

We shared a smirk, and I decided then that even if she gave me a bad vibe, she would be a fun person to make mischief with. 

Narcissa spoke up, "well as adorable as this pairing is, Bella and I have a meeting to be at so we'll see you later, okay Victoire?"

"Okay, I'll be exploring the grounds then."

"Don't get lost."

"No promises."

I went down the hallway in the opposite direction from the other girls and was bumped into by a group of four boys running down the hallway. The second shortest of the bunch, the one with longish black hair that looked unbelievably well maintained happened to be running right where I was walking.

" Watch it, snake."

I couldn't be bothered and just shook him off and continued my trek to the courtyard.

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