you know

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The front door swung open as Rumi trudged into the living room, rabbit ears drooping and a look of irritation and exhaustion plastered on her face. She stopped in her tracks upon noticing you sitting on the couch, wearing a silk robe.

"What are you still doing up?" She asked. Her eyes lingered on your form, and you couldn't quite tell whether or not it was because she was tired or because she liked what she saw.

"Well, you told me you'd be out late tonight. I couldn't sleep, so I figured I should do something nice for you when you got home," you explained, moving forward and resting your chin on your arms.

You had already known it had been a rough day for her, having received a text from her a few hours ago letting you know she would be home late. Knowing her, she probably expected you to be in bed by now, but you couldn't sleep knowing she was still out working. It felt wrong, especially with how dangerous her job was.

Rumi hummed in response, a little bit of life coming back to her as she seemed to anticipate this nice favor of yours. She kicked off her shoes and tossed her jacket onto the coat hanger, having changed out of her Hero costume before she left her agency, not wanting to deal with peeling off the tight suit when she got home.

She looked back to you with an expectant smirk. "So, you have something nice for me do you?"

You giggled, happy to see that some of the frustration from work was already starting to drain away. You stood up and sauntered over to her, throwing your arms around her shoulders as you leaned into her, brushing your lips against hers.

"Why don't you see for yourself?" You whispered lowly.

You felt her body shudder underneath yours before she gently moved you back, reaching for the loosely tied belt that kept your robe on. The moment she tugged on it, it fell off your shoulders, pooling around your feet in a puddle of soft fabric, revealing your supple form.

She breathed in shakily, and you didn't miss the faint blush on her cheeks or how her ears shot up with renewed interest as she took in your body. You were wearing the new lingerie she had bought for you just a few weeks ago. It was an adorable bunny themed set with pink fishnets and frilly pink panties that had a fluffy bunny tail sewn into the back. It came with a matching pink bra that had a heart shaped boob window.

A smirk tugged at the corner of her mouth as she finally tore her gaze away from your body to look you in the eye. "I knew you'd look hot in that."

It was your turn to blush. Rumi always made you feel so beautiful. With anyone else, you probably would've been embarrassed to wear such an outfit, but not with her. You craved her attention, loving how confident it made you feel.

"It's only for you," you breathed out, earning a pleased groan from her. This was absolutely what she needed after such a shit day.

In a flash, she scooped you up into her strong arms, effortlessly carrying you to your shared bedroom with quick, hurried strides. She kicked the door closed behind her after she entered before laying you down on the bed.

"Be a good girl for me and get yourself ready," she ordered, starting to strip.

You eagerly obeyed, laying against the soft sheets as you let your hand trail down to between your legs where you began rubbing your clit through your panties.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2021 ⏰

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