Month 3

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you weren't able to sleep one night, so you and jungkook ended up talking. you were talking about how you wanted to tell your parents and his parents the next day. once you had a very sweet and meaningful way of telling them together planned out, you went to sleep. you wok up a couple hours later and felt like you were sitting in a pool of warm liquid. you grabbed our phone and turned on the flashlight to see what this liquid was. you kept thinking "It would be sooo embarrassing if i peed myself!" jungkook woke up due to the blinding light, he saw you sitting there looking like you just saw a ghost. he looked where you were looking and saw a pool of blood. he looked at you extremely shocked. he picked you up out of bed and took you to the closest urgent care. when you guys arrived, you still hadn't spoken, you had an unreadable facial expression. jungkook was very confused because of this.they checked you out and got the diagnoses, they took you two to the pregnancy room where they spoke to expecting parents.

doctor: please, sit down."

you sat down in the two sets in front of his desk, opposite to him.

he placed the tissues in front of you both and started talking

"I'm extremely sorry to tell you this but, you unfortunately had a first trimester miscarriage."  

you leaned into jungkook's body and started silently crying, he took you in with his arms.

"I'll give you two a while."

you stayed silent for the entire day and didn't know what to do. you read in pregnancy books for early expecting woman that "first trimester miscarriages happen more than most people think, it's because the first trimester puts the most work on the body and makes it even more difficult for the baby to get everything it needs to keep growing so much." apparently, your baby just wasn't getting or producing enough for the baby to keep growing to fast in your young body.

Jungkook POV

 Y/N and i haven't talked for a while now, i have to break the silence so that we can figure this out and talk about it.


she looked at me with the face of someone that had lost everything good and bad to them, which is exactly what had happened. she lost something that was giving her a lot of pain, stress and trouble. she was also going to get extremely precious to the world, which made it completely worth it.

That special someone~~~ JungkookxreaderWhere stories live. Discover now