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The voice disturbed the strong man. He looked at Ilanyou immediately. Ilanyou? Isn't this the other person he wants to solve. They are all in a hurry to die...

Throwing the child into the swimming pool directly, the strong man strides to this side.

Yilanyou suddenly came up with a plan: "Shhh! You want to die! You can't see that man killing! "

Yi Ruier looks towards the strong man and thinks that the man is not good at coming.

"You! You run fast! " Yilanyou gives Yiruier a strong push: "run!"

Yiruier's mind was blank and she ran faster than she had just run, even faster than she would run at any time in her life.

"Ilanyou! You run fast! " After saying this, Ilanyou ran in another direction.

This strong man glanced at the fleeing land Ilanyou and didn't pay attention. Today, he took a human skin mask. Even if others saw his face, it was fake. He strode to the [ilanyou]. The strong man only knows that he can't let this target escape.

At a glance, Yilanyou sees the strong man running towards Yiruier and then turns a corner and rushes directly into the pool. The cold pool water makes her skin ache. In the pool water full of disinfectant ingredients, Yilanyou feels that her eyes are uncomfortable for a while. She adapts hard and quickly finds the boy who has sunk. Yilanyou quickly kicks the water to lift the boy out of the pool.

"So cold..." Yilanyou took the effort to lift the little boy to the edge of the pool, and then climbed up. She wore a pair of high-heeled shoes today, and the sole couldn't support the smooth wall of the pool. Yilanyou simply threw the high-heeled shoes into the pool quickly, and then climbed up barefoot with both hands supporting the edge of the pool. She's wearing less today. It's hard for her in the winter. She has to jump into such a cold pool. The cold and piercing water makes her limbs numb.

After a few quick rubs of her hands, Ilanyou gave him artificial respiration and cardiopulmonary resuscitation for the child as soon as possible. This is what she learned in her previous university elective course, and she has forgotten about it. However, it really makes the child vomit water.

Seeing the water being spewed out, Ilanyou breathed a sigh of relief. Ignoring the others, she took the child on her back and ran to another road leading to the banquet hall. The child's cold body must be sent to the hospital immediately.

At the same time, Ruier is running desperately, even accidentally shaking off her shoes. Her short heels and high heels have broken their roots because of running, which has become her burden. When the heels are broken, her ankles are twisted, but she dare not stop and dare not look back.

"Ah!" There was a pain in her scalp, and Ariel fell to the ground with a strong force.

The strong man grabs Yiruier's hair: "run? Do you dare to run? "

"Let go, let go of me! I don't know anything! " Yiruier struggled: "help! Help! Woo... "

The strong man put his hand over Ruier's mouth and his hand around her neck: "Ilanyou, you can rest assured that I will leave you a whole body." In a moment, it's OK to throw it directly into the swimming pool. It's not difficult to create a scene where you drown in order to save people. He's a professional killer.

Ilanyou? Hearing the words of the strong man, Yi Ruier immediately shook her head crazily. She wasn't, she wasn't Yi Lanyou, he was wrong, he was wrong!

Yiruier struggles to catch the strong man's eyes. The strong man gets angry and slaps Yiruier severely: "Damn it!"

This slap hit her in the face. It hit her hard, and her ears were buzzing.

Seeing that Yiruier has been stunned, the strong man drags Yiruier to the direction of the swimming pool. In this way, Yiruier's delicate skin is bruised blue and purple by the ground, and even her evening dress is torn.

"Who is there!" At this time, the sound of a yelling voice came to the strong man.

"Big young master, have you found little young master?" Another voice came along.

"Hiss." Seeing that the situation is not good, the strong man immediately loses the man in his hand and strides away. Anyway, he has made a man today. That's the main thing. It's time for Yilanyou to clean up later.

Yi Ruier is so lost, head heavy knock on the ground, all of a sudden passed out.

"Master! There's a person here! " When the servant saw that her clothes were not neat and saw Ruier fainted on the ground, he called out, "come here quickly, young master!"

"Damn it!" The young man looks up and frowns. His younger brother has not found out how to get into such a trouble: "ah Zheng, you carry people to the party for help. I will continue to find XiaoZhe."

"Good young master." A Zheng said then back up Yi Ruier.

"The trouble is dead." The boy mumbled and continued to look for his brother. How could he be unlucky when he came to Z City? It's better to stay in Kyoto. I don't know where Xiaozhe is.

Shortly after he left, his cell phone rang, "hello? Ah Zheng, what's the matter? "

"Young master! Find young master zhe! He... He's in a bad condition now. We've called an ambulance! " A Zheng had just carried Yiruier back to the banquet scene, and Yilanyou came back with a little boy who was in a coma and wet.

The party that followed was a complete mess.

Miss Yi's body is wet. She comes back with a strange child. Let's count her bravery as a rescue girl. The second Miss Yi's body is dirty and barefoot, and her face is bruised. Obvious signs of abuse are all over her Is it not to be given...

People are guessing in their hearts, but they don't say it. They just think that the Yi family is really troubled...

"Ruier!" Fang Fang doesn't care much when she sees Yi Ruier. What's wrong with her baby?

Ihorn was also worried. What happened to the two daughters?

"Here..." Zhou Wanli should be the most ugly person at the party. He just has a birthday...What's the matter

When the ambulance arrived, the little boy's brother also came, and was dragged to Z City hospital together with the Yi family.

When she arrived at the hospital, she immediately sent the little boy to rescue. Yiruier gradually came to life. When she saw Fang Fang, she put her arms around Fang Fang's neck and began to cry. It seemed that she was frightened.

Yilanyou in Yihaoen's suit shivered coldly. She leaned against the wall and held a cup of hot water in her hands. She looked at Yiruier coldly, but there was no pity at the bottom of his eyes.

Is that what Fang Fang said destroyed her?

She is afraid that Fang Fang can't imagine the retribution on Ruier.

REBIRTH OF THE REVENGE QUEEN  {VOLUME-1  PART-2}Where stories live. Discover now