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Alec took another long drag of his cigarette and tilted his head back to release a puff of smoke. I was watching the Shadowhunter with a disapproving look while JC paced restlessly on the curb. JC's dark eyes scoured the streets, narrowed to compliment the scowl on his face.

"We've been looking for this guy for hours," I muttered, casting my eyes skyward at the gray clouds. "Remind me again why we didn't just get Magnus to summon him."

"Where's the fun in summoning him?" JC answered. "Don't you enjoy the thrill of the chase?"

Wisps of smoke spiraled around Alec's hair. "If what Magnus said is true, the minute we start chasing this guy, he'll panic and lead us straight to where we need to go."

"Cowards make the job so easy," JC said with a wink.

Alec snorted and dropped his cigarette butt to the ground before crushing it with the toe of his boot. Seemingly oblivious to my watchful eyes, he reached into his jacket pocket and retrieved another. He placed the cigarette between his lips and flicked his lighter open, cupping his palm around the end of the rolled paper to shield the flame.

"It's ironic, isn't it?"

Alec's blue eyes flitted up to meet mine. He paused before lighting up. Cocking an eyebrow, he let the flame die and lowered the lighter.

"What?" he queried around the cigarette.

"You only spent half the day trying to convince Magnus that he didn't need to come with us. Right before we left you told him that you'd be fine, that you wouldn't get hurt; yet, here you are. Slowly killing yourself on the inside."

"Oh, dear God," Alec grumbled. "Like Magnus doesn't lecture me enough, but now I have to hear it from you, too?"

I shrugged. "I'm just saying. I'm not about to be labelled an enabler for your filthy habit."

"Take it easy, Mom," JC scoffed. "Alec's a big boy. He can do what he wants."

Alec plucked the cigarette from his lips and pinched it between his thumb and index finger, holding it up like it was a precious artifact.

"This is keeping me calm at the moment," he explained. "This steadies my nerves. I convinced my boyfriend to stay back at the apartment. Now all I can think about is that he isn't here by my side. He's alone...unprotected..."

"This bastard isn't after Magnus," JC reasoned. "He wasn't on the list."

"Not yet," Alec countered. "Who's to say he won't become a target?"

"Magnus can take care of hims--" JC's voice cut short when something caught his eye.

I stepped forward. "What's wrong?"

JC's eyes remained on their target. "Didn't Magnus say we were looking for a guy with dreads?"

Alec and I followed his line of vision. Sure enough, skulking by a tree in front of the high school across the street was a short young man. He had long dreadlocks, which were pulled back into a ponytail, and his movements were twitchy. He walked stooped forward, caving in on himself as if he was continuously expecting someone to jump him from behind. We watched as the demon approached a small cluster of high school students. The mundanes did not appear to be frightened by him; in fact, a couple of boys gave him a clap on the back as he joined their conversation.

Alec flicked his unlit cigarette to the ground and stepped off the curb. "What the hell is this guy doing?"

The demon reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out something small. He dangled what appeared to be a tiny bag in front of the adolescents' faces. Every one of the teenagers' eyes sparkled with interest.

Predator in disguiseWhere stories live. Discover now