Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 - I wish I said it

»» a little over three years before the prologue took place »»

"Lou mate, I need your help." Harry's melodious voice rang through their apartment, startling Louis who had thought Harry wouldn't be home for another few hours. "Hi to you too, Haz. How was your day?  Oh, it was alright Lou, thanks for asking. How was yours?", Louis said sarcastically. Harry sighed. "Not the time, Lou. I really, really need your help." Louis sighed too and switched off the telly. "What is it you need my help for? You never really need my help, not even with cooking!"

"I'm in love with this girl and I want to take her on a date", Harry blurted out. That was a stab at Louis's heart. Yeah, he knew he always was too cowardly to admit he was in love with his bandmate and best friend Harry Edward Styles, but he always had hoped there would be a good moment to tell Harry. How could he be so stupid? Did he really not see Harry falling in love coming? Maybe it was because they did not have many boundaries in their friendship.

Maybe Louis hadn't realized that he would have to share Harry. His Harry. 

"Why do you think I can help?", Louis choked out. Damn, he failed to hide his hurt. "Everything alright Lou?", Harry asked concerned. "Sore throat", Louis croaked, pointing at his throat. "Are you sure you're okay? Do you need anything for your throat?"  Louis shook his head. "'m Fine. So, why do you want me to help you? You're the best with girls here. I'm bi, remember? Actually more gay than straight", Louis said, croaking with his voice on purpose to make the story about his sore throat seem more believable.

Harry gave him a pointed look and sighed. "I want to take her on a date but I have no idea what she likes!", he exclaimed. "And you think I do?" "Please Lou, I really don't know!", Harry pleaded. "You could take her minigolfing? You know, you can help her", Louis said. The smile on his face felt fake, too fake. But Harry didn't seem to notice. "What if she's already good at minigolfing?" Louis sighed.

"You can also make her dinner." "Too overused." "Good ol' cinema." "Too cliché." "Swimming pool." "Little perverted for a first date." "Picnic." "Too cheesy." "Walk in the moonlight." "Ew no." "My god, Harry! You decline everything I suggest! How am I supposed to help you when nothing is good enough?", Louis exclaimed. "I'm sorry Boo, but I'm just scared she doesn't like the date and rejects me the next day", Harry said sadly. 

He let his head hang, still standing in the doorway. "You really care about her, don't you?", Louis asked softly. Harry nodded. "C'm 'ere." Louis spread his arms and Harry came over to him. "I just don't know Boo. I don't want to lose her before we even are together", Harry sniffed. He felt bad he rejected every single idea his best friend suggested, but he just wanted a really good first date.

I know how you feel, Louis thought bitterly.

He pushed the thought away and pulled Harry in his lap. Because of their no-boundaries friendship, Louis and Harry considered this, sitting in the other's lap, kissing cheeks, holding hands, completely normal. Louis hugged the curly-haired lad on his lap and rubbed his back. "Tell me about her."

"Her name is Ariella Watson and she works in a bakery. She has this gorgeous red curls, cerulean eyes, a bit like yours, and freckles. She's really pretty and adorable when she blushes." Louis could tell Harry liked her a lot.

I wish that would be me. I wish he was talking about me like this. Like I was the only thing in the world that mattered to him. Like I was his. I wish I told him. I wish I said it.

Harry rambled on about Ariella and that he really wanted to take her on a date. Apparently he hadn't asked her yet. On the other side, he was scared that either she would only like him and date him for his fame and money, or she wouldn't like the idea of having a life with paps around all the time. Either that or she didn't like him....

I wish I said it - Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now