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Man, that was a surprise. I get up from my bed and head to the shower. 30 minutes has passed since I have been showering, I get out of the shower and put on my clothes. What a strange kimono. After I was changing, I went out of my room. Wow, this place is so huge!! I like to live in a place like this. As I were daydreaming, I accidentally bump into someone. "WATCH WERE YOU ARE GOING, BRAT," I looked up, I see a man with blue hair, with blue shining eyes, he had a jacket on that was ripped up with no shirt on, he had a number six on his chest, and he was wearing black and white bottoms. "Hi, I'm Brazen and I hate soul reapers, hollows, arrancers, shinigamis, and espadas just like you," I smiled. "I don't care what you like because you are going to be dealing with me," He said in a husky voice. "Please tell me your name," I hesitated. "My name is Grimmjow," He was annoyed. "As you can see, I am Aizen sister," I said. Grimmjow was surprised, "oh, so you are the girl that he was talking about."

"What are you doing Grimmjow?" Me and Grimmjow hear a cold voice behind us. I turned around and saw Ulquiorra. "Ulquiorra ," Grimmjow said in a threatening tone. Ulquiorra look at me, "why did you left your room?" I smiled, "well, because I was bored and I can't stand white. So I just wanted to see what this place really look like." Ulquiorra came towards me and take my arm, "we will be going." "WHAT DO YOU THINGS YOUR DOING, ULQUIORRA? I WASN'T FINISH TALKING TO HER," Grimmjow yelled. Ulquiorra ignore Grimmjow and lead me to some place. Once we got there Ulquiorra open this big room that look like a throne. Now, I see my brother who had left me with my horrible parents, that's why I despise him with the bottom of my heart but he will help me be strong that's why I will learn how to love him. I wonder what Ichigo probably doing right now. Maybe he is laughing his tongue off to see how a fool I was. "Welcome home, (your name )," Aizen had a smirk on his face as he was laying his head on the palms of his hand. "I'm home, brother," I sigh.


How can this happen to me. I really love her and yet I had betray her. I am happy that Aizen had came before they had execute her. But I want to save her from Aizen.

"Ichigo, are you okay?" Orihime had a worried look on her face. I turn towards her, "yeah, I'm fine." Orihime had stop so did I. Orihime walk towards me and grab my hand, "I really love you, Ichigo." I really feel sorry for Orihime but I love (your name) the thing I love about her is her beautiful blond hair, her sparkling ruby blue eyes, and her voice is so soft. "Is that so?" I look down away from Orihime. "You really do love that girl do you?" Tears was streaming down from Orihime eyes. Orihime let go of my hands and run away from me. Yes, that's right. I love (your name).

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