Pizza is perfect

496 26 15

Meredith stands, her back pressed against the kitchen counter as she nurses a glass of red wine. "You're gonna need something stronger." Amelia says waking to the sink next to Meredith. They both chuckle "can't be too far in when he gets here." Meredith replies. "You nervous?" Amelia asks as Meredith stares out of the window. She shakes her head. "I mean yes but... no?" It's phrased as a question although it's a statement.

She's not nervous. Has no reason to be. But there is a part of her that is. That question's if Hayes will want her. Her kids. Her big ass obnoxious family. She lets her mind wander for a minute thinking. Derek would have loved this. She would have millions of kids. Deluca... she's not quite sure where he stood on wanting his own kids. Maybe hers were enough. It hits her then that every man she has ever in her life said the words "I love you" too has died.

She's startled out of her train if thought to the sound of the doorbell ringing . She sigh's dumping the rest of her wine down the sink. Meredith runs her hands over her torso smoothing her jumpsuit. Sighing once more she walk's to the door. "H-hey." She stutters slightly, taken back by Cormac's outfit.

Cormac stands in front of her holding a bouquet of flowers looking down at his feet. He is dressed in jeans and a button down white shirt, she can't help but notice the necklace that hangs around his neck. It's silver, has a cross pendant that hangs in the middle. She smile's looking at him. Derek would have never wore anything like this, deluca maybe. She internally chuckles at her growth in men.

Cormac's slowly looks up as he hears Meredith greet him. "H-" his breath catches in his throat. His jaw is slack as Meredith stand's there before him. "You... are beautiful Mer." It's nearly a whisper, more to himself than Meredith. A blush rise's in her checks at his complement. She doesn't take complements -usually- hates them even.

"Thank you. Please, come in." She steps to the side letting Cormac enter her home. "It uh... it might be a little crazy... messy too." She informs him just to receive a nod as he looks around.

"These are for you." Cormac extends his arm holding the bouquet closer to her. She takes them making sure her hand lightly brushes his. "Thank you" she brings them to her nose, looking up at him as she smells them. "They're beautiful." She exclaims. He nods stuffing his hands in his pockets.

Maggie and Amelia watch the encounter from the hall. "This is painful to watch." Amelia whispers. "What the hell are they even doing?" Maggie questions. They both chuckle watching Hayes just look around. An uncomfortable silence fills the air between the two.

"They're both too nervous to do anything." Maggie comments as Zola walks out of the playroom.

"Hi!" Zola say's to Hayes Meredith's eyes widen because this wasn't her plan. She doesn't allow this. Her kids aren't- no. They can't meet yet. But they are. Stunned she stands back silent.

"Hey!" Hayes bends down so he is more Zola's eye level. "You must be... Zola." She nods at his comment. "It's so nice to meet you." Meredith can't help but smile at the interaction. She fills her lungs with a deep breath reminding herself he is a peds surgeon, he has two kids, she can trust him.

"Are you dating my mom?" That question brakes her out of her thoughts. "Uh-" Cormac looks up at Meredith for confirmation on what to say here. She cocks an eyebrow wanting to see where he goes. "Well... would it be okay if I was?" Meredith and her sisters smile. Zola nods quickly making Cormac chuckle. "I like you... and I just met you." Zola informs. He chuckle's "I'm glad... because I like you too, and I really like your mom." Zola looks at him turning her head to the side as if she was thinking. "What's on your mind kid?" Cormac asks.

"Do you love her?" Zola question's making everyone take a large breath. Before Cormac can answer Ellis runs out of the playroom. "Hi! Hi I'm Ellis!" She run's in circles around her sister and Cormac.

He chuckle's "hi Ellis." Cormac is quick to grab her, on hand on her stomach one on her back, before she runs into a shelf. "Hey there... watch where your going, you don't wanna fall."

Meredith smiles down at him as he looks back up at her. "I'm going to put these in a vase." She whispers and he nods quick to turn back to ellis who is tugging on his shirt.

"Hi." He says looking back at the young child. She giggles and Hayes cant help to realize how much she looks and acts like Meredith. "You talk funny." Ellis says. "Ellis grey! Be kind" Meredith yells from the kitchen. Hayes smiles at her falling on to his knees out of the squat he was in. "I do talk kinda funny huh?" Ellis nods walking behind him. She locks her hands around his neck. "Piggyback?" She asks. Hayes doesn't answer but instead stands but sure to hold her tight. He walks into the kitchen to find Meredith and her sisters. Ellis is giggling in his ear and Meredith is beaming at them as he walks around with her.

"Ellis baby, did you ask first?" Meredith questions. Hayes looks at her shaking his head "she's fine Mer." He whispers as he trots around. After a few minutes Ellis lays her head on the back of his shoulder so he moves her to the front of him. He continues to walk all the way around Meredith's house, through the living room, to the kitchen, and hallway. He ends up in the kitchen with a sleeping Ellis attached to his hip. Both literally and figuratively. Meredith smiles looking at him.

"Want me to take her?" She questions. He shakes his head being mindful of his volume of voice. "She's fine but if you want too... she's your kid I'm not gonna tell you no." He replies with an airy chuckle. "Mm" Meredith acknowledges him with a soft and quiet moan. It's just them. Maggie, Amelia and the kids are out back. Meredith steps closer to Hayes putting her hand on Ellis' back rubbing small circle's all over. "She likes you." Meredith whispers looking into Cormac's azure eyes. He nods. "She does." He acknowledges.

"Mer..." his voice is a whisper. Laced with want. She smiles placing her hand on his cheek pulling him closer. Right before their lips connect "thank you cor" she whispers then closes the space between them in a kiss. The best kiss she's had in a while. Before his tongue swipes her bottom lip he pulls back. Slightly out of breath he looks at Meredith, and smiles rocking back and forth some as Ellis stirs.

"Wanna go still?" Cormac asks. "I'll take you for a later dinner." He whispers. She chuckles biting her lip. While she would love nothing more than a late dinner with him right now... she doesn't. She would much rather be here with this. Him. "Mom! Can we get pizza?" Bailey yells from outside to then quickly be shushed by everyone out there.

"Pizza okay for a late night dinner?" Cormac questions. Meredith smile's at him going on her tipy toes pressing her lips to his. "Pizza is perfect."

I couldn't proofread.

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