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There is a line between good and evil. It starts with the intentions; if you intend to do good and it doesn't harm anyone or anything, then it's good. If you are doing something that hurts other people, destroys good, blocks out the light, then that would be considered evil. 

In UA, there are children who wish to grow up to be heroes all the way. Everyone learns to use their quirks to become strong and help the ones who can't help themselves. Many great heroes came out of the elite school. 

Now, if there is a school for the good, wouldn't there be one for the bad? Villain Academy is that school. 

The kids who are the worst of the worst are collected by a military service and sent into this school. They are given the option to either, serve their lifetime sentences in prison or stay in the academy where they learn to be a great villain so if ever a hero needed attention and praise they would be sent out to reek havoc and put up a fight until the heroes take them down.  

The school's soul purpose was to make villains for heroes to take them down. You can imagine how many kids rather be villains freely rather than go to prison for life. 

The Academy got it in their head that it was easier to just raise villains they could control instead of wasting time trying to change them to the good that they might not even do, and what a waste of talent to just throw them in prison. 

Of course these children are taught everything about villainy. Schemes, guns, weapons, grudges, speeches, intimidation, being horrifying, acting, charm, sweet talk, fighting, quirk control, languages, hacking, the art of getting away, how to discover a heroes deepest secret, everything down to the glare. 

The military service believe that the person who runs the operation has everything under control and would never let the students get out of hand. The student's don't get out of hand because they like being in the school. Food, shelter, secret hideouts, weapons, and are even paid after every successful mission, everything in the palm of their hand as long as they fight when they're told. 

Sometimes they go undercover to get secretes from heroes as well. If the children fail to accomplish a mission or be as villainous as they can be, they are sent to prison. The academy doesn't have time  to deal with small town criminals. 

There are four student's who are unlike any others. It would be a terrible shame if you were to cross them. They were at the top of the school and have been there since they were young. They found the best ways to make your skin crawl, get into your head, paralyze you with fear, or just flat out kill you, the possibilities are endless. 

And are these children locked away in the academy when they aren't on missions or training? They are, in fact, wandering the streets of the city. They aren't being supervised, chained, or under tight surveillance. Not these three at least. They walk around like any other child would, laughing and talking, having fun. 

The three are trusted enough by the academy to do these things because of how many times they have helped them. 

Trackers don't work for the children in this school. They get them out so quickly you wouldn't be able to even buy more. 

The three that are so highly favored would be Zankoku, Akui, and Satsujin. 

Akui, the girl of the group, seemingly so sweet and quick to make a friend, is actually a professionally trained killer. Her quirk is Petrify. If she has ever touched it she could freeze it whenever. Whether it's an object or person she could stop it whenever she wanted. The person would still have full consciousness but unable to move. She could even stop it in mid air and then slit the throat with a smile. 

Zankoku has the charm and twice as much cruelty. The most two-faced person you'll ever meet; with his pleasant attitude comes his cold heart. His quirk is even more deceiving.  With just  a few words he could plant an idea in someone's head. It could drive them mad until they do it. If you have a strong mind it takes longer but if it's weak it will infest you in a maybe an hour. If it takes too long for him he's also a master in poisons and silent murders. 

Satsujin doesn't have the sweet at first facade. He could if he wanted but doesn't often waste his time. His dark humor should move you away from him but if it doesn't I wouldn't get too close. His quirk is weapons. Whenever he wanted he could summon any weapon. It will appear with a swirl of smoke a few feet in the air. Whichever weapon he has he is a master at. His personal favorites are guns and katanas but if it's a bigger job he could summon a tank or explosives. 

That's who the heroes are up against. Maybe not that intimidating at first but meet them at their worst and you'll be shaking in your boots. 

Let's see how well the young heroes of UA do when they meet the three. 

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