Remeber me

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"Maddie wake up" a Small voice told me "Maddie" again the voice "Maddison!" I jumped up to see steve right next to me "I've been trying to wake you for 15 minutes" he told me happy I was finally up "sorry" I said getting out of bed "get dressed we have to go to the tower they have him there he's waiting for me" I noticed he said me and not us but it didn't matter "okay I'll get dressed"

Once I was dressed we both drove up to the tower me playing with my dog tags the whole way surprisingly I still had mine and wore them everyday. Once we pulled up nat met us outside "Maddie" she said "yeah" "he doesn't remember anything take that with a caution" wait what so he won't know who I am no no that's not right they started walking in but I stood there nervous but started walking when steve looked back he really cared for me I knew

"Steve" said this man that looked like bucky but also didn't who knew who steve was but not me? "Hey buck this is Maddison" "hello" I said like he was a new person I didn't know "she knew us in the 40s" then bucks eyes lit up like he remembered something he looked straight at me and said "did you work for hydra" I was shocked and scared at the same time "uh yeah I did at one point" he broke his look from me back to steve "can we talk" bucky wanted to talk to Steve alone I couldn't hear but Wanda told me everything apparently he doesn't know who i am but hydra always said that if he wasn't good they would bring Maddison in the room and hurt her. Knowing they used me against him makes me sick they walked back in the room then I happened an episode my head went spiraling my stomach turned and a single tear ran down my face "I can't do this" I stormed out of the room

Steve came to find me leaving bucky with everyone else I was in the living room "Maddie" I was crying " steve I can't" I was barley getting words out "I can't do this" he came and grabbed me and hugged me to comfort me we stood there for a good 15 minutes him rubbing my back and holding me

He pulled away " Maddie he may not know who you are but he knows you matter to him may not be the way you want but he knows you are something to him" he was looking me straight in the eyes at this moment I felt like a spark of something not sure what but was going to ignore it he started talking again but again I was not really there again

"Okay" he said was the only thing that came trough "yeah okay" I said

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