S u p r i s e|| Vincent(Purple Guy) X Reader

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Laughter and the squealing of excited children bounced around the room, filling the pizzeria with warmth and joy. Children ran around, not bothering to follow the rules. One girl in particular, sat alone with her hands on her lap. This girl was (y/n) (l/n).

A man had told her to carefully watch the back room, and the small five year old did so immediately. She hadn't spotted anything unusual, which confused the small girl somewhat. Her mother had left to grab a quick present for the girl, a reward for being so good today.

(y/n) was getting tired, though she kept her (e/c) eyes glued to the back room. Every five year old likes suprises, those who don't are simply crazy. As the clock ticked on, she saw a faint glimpse of a golden bear.

The oddly colored bear peeked out of the back room, beckoning (y/n) to follow it with it's large, furry paw. The girl immediately stood up, a wide smile spread across her face as she approached the back room quickly. Her mother would surely understand her absence.

She entered the room, the goofy smile glued to her face. Glancing around, she noticed four other children who looked as confused as she did. "Where are we?" A raven haired girl piped up as heavy footsteps pounded against the floor.

The door swung open, it's hinges creaking softly. A bear, resembling Freddy Fazbear stepped into the room. This bear was gold, with a dusty blue bow tie and black eyes. (y/n) shrunk against the wall, the feeling that something was wrong crept inside her.

The kids rushed up to the bear, chattering as if they were parrots. The Golden Freddy happily replied, moving it's paws up to it's head.

Golden Freddy removed the suit's head, revealing a man who wore a creepy, somewhat sadistic smile. One child still stood close to him, the others had moved away from fear. The man was purple, well...his hair was anyways. (y/n) would call him 'Purple Guy.'

Purple Guy pulled out a large butcher knife from behind the suit's back. Without a single word or sound, he plunged the knife deeply into the first child's abdomen.

No one could scream, they could only tremble in fear as tears poured down their cheeks. Purple Guy still wore the creepy smile as he grabbed yet another child by the throat, plunging the knife through their heart.

He kicked the two limp bodies away as he stabbed the boy in front of (y/n) quickly. The other child suffered the same fate, blood pooling on the ground below them.

Purple Guy chuckled darkly, grabbing (y/n)'s arm he stared deep into her eyes. Silently, he murdered her, kicking her body to the side. He uttered out a single sentence before he fled the scene.

"I hope you enjoyed your suprise"

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