Version 4

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"Is everything ready, Luca?" Vincenzo asked.

Luca nodded at him. "I've fulfilled my mission, Mr. Cassano."

Vincenzo raised an eyebrow at him as he reached into his pocket to pull out his phone.

"I'll be the judge of that," he said as he dialed a number and held his phone to his ear.

"Meet me at Arno Restaurant," he said into the phone then hung up.

He turned to Luca then and said, "It's the moment of truth. Let's go."

Together, he and Luca made their way into Arno Restaurant and Vincenzo pushed his way in.

He sat at a table, then turned to the door to see Cha Young enter. "I was at the law firm," she said as she took the seat across him.

"May I take your orders?"

Cha Young and Vincenzo looked up at Chef Toto, and were surprised to see that, for the first time ever, he actually looked confident.

"I'll have your porcini dish," Cha Young said, and Vincenzo smiled as he remembered that it was the very first thing he ordered here.

"I'll have the same," he said as he clapped his menu shut and handed it back to Chef Toto.

Chef Toto nodded at them, then glanced at Luca, who nodded at him seriously.

"Can he really do it?" Cha Young whispered, and Vincenzo shrugged. "We'll see if Luca has, indeed, succeeded in his mission."

After a few minutes, Chef Toto came out of the kitchen and placed their orders in front of them. Vincenzo hid his smile as he took in the plating. It looked authentic, but the taste would determine everything.

He looked at Chef Toto and held his gaze as he took a bite of the dish. He chewed carefully, tasted thoughtfully, and noted how Chef Toto wasn't breaking a sweat.

Without saying a word, Vincenzo looked at Cha Young and raised his eyebrow expectantly. Her lips lifted in a smile, and finally, Vincenzo smiled too.

"It's delicious," he declared, "Now this is a true Italian dish."

Chef Toto exhaled in relief and beamed at Luca, who smiled at him reassuringly.

"Was this the last thing you wanted to accomplish before you left? Turn this place into an authentic Italian restaurant?" Cha Young asked with a smile.

"Who says I'm leaving?" Vincenzo asked in return, and the smile disappeared from Cha Young's face.

"What do you mean?" she asked tentatively.

Vincenzo nodded his head towards Luca and said, "Luca's mission was to turn this into an authentic Italian restaurant because it's the first step to turning this entire place into Little Italy."

Cha Young's jaw dropped and Vincenzo smirked at her. "Why would I go back to Italy when I can just bring Italy here? There are just as many monsters here as there are back in Italy." Cha Young nodded her head vehemently at that. Their work didn't stop with taking down Babel Group, as there were many more corrupt companies in Korea.

"Plus, we've already got the beginnings of the Mafia right here anyway," Vincenzo added, gesturing at the both of them.

At that, Cha Young beamed at him. "I get to be in the Mafia??" she clapped her hands excitedly. Vincenzo winked at her as he said, "You'd make an excellent consigliere."

Cha Young whooped in delight, making Vincenzo laugh. "Now finish your food," he said, gesturing to her plate, "We have a lot of work ahead of us, and we're just getting started."

"You got it, Mr. Cassano," Cha Young winked, and Vincenzo laughed again as they both dug in. Life in Korea was going to be very interesting indeed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2021 ⏰

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