Prologue: The King VS The 4th Wall...

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"Hello there!"

"I'm guessing you brought me here then?"



"Awfully silent, aren't you?..."

*wait, is he talking to us?...*

"Well, not exactly anyone else here, is there?"

*Okay, I'm officially creeped out...*


"Oh, so you must be new here."

*Erm, kinda... I mean, This is the 1st chapter I'm writing... how are you even?*

"Oh, so YOU'RE the writer... well, many people here probably have a few bones to pick with you... But you've been good to me, so I'd might as well catch you up..."

You see, it all started...

*wait a sec, I thought I was writ-*

Hush now, I'm just taking the reigns for a bit, now where was I?... Oh, yeah...

So it all started when...

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