The ministry

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Hi so this is quite short and uneventful but I'm doing my end of year exams at the moment so I probably won't be updating for the next month! I will be back after and believe me there's gonna be some drama going down 💕💕💕

"You ready" asked Narcissa

I stared anxiously down the long black corridor of the ministry of magic, green emerald fires blazed brightly down either side as determined bundles of wizards bounded from each one towards the elevators past the giant fountain.

"Mhm" i said distracted by the busy whir of people that surrounded me

"Merlin its busy today, hold on to me" she demanded looking our arms together "and don't get lost"

She pulled me through the large bustling crowd and past the fountain towards the cramped golden lifts of which we both made our way into. It was loud inside the ministry and there were an array of different people all stopping at different floors.

"what floor do we need" i asked her, desperate to get out of the cramped lift.

"23" she replied preoccupied staring at her watch

I looked above the heads of those in the lift with us and noticed the glowing numbers above the door with an ornate arrow pointing to the number 20 lit in a gold light. If this was the floor we had entered on I figured this place must go pretty deep.

Around five witches and wizards left at the 21st floor and a few less left at the 22nd one, then we reached our floor, a robotic voice echoed like it had done on the previous floors that we had passed, "floor 23, family and marriage records and application desk" the voice stopped, a small man with a curled handlebar moustache was about to press skip floor.

Narcissa cleared her throat "this is our floor" she said to the small man as a few other wizards stepped aside to let us pass avoiding eye contact, he turned his hand and stared at her with a disgusted look on his face before stepping aside and letting us out.

"What was that all about?" I asked looking back at the lift as we briskly left

"They think we're the ones getting married" she said rolling her eyes, a laughed a little but she didn't find it funny, "if it gets out that I'm here Lucius is gonna start asking a lot of questions"

We walked down a long dark tiled corridor like the others until we came to a black door, Narcissa turned the gold handle and it clicked open to reveal a room filled with around 6 office desks at which sat different witches and wizards surrounded by papers. On the walls very tall shelves reached up to the roof completely fill of stack of thin papers littered with words. The room was surrounded by the faint clicking of typewriters echoing off of each wall.

We walked up to a short witch with grey hair styled in a bun and pointed green glasses who was sat at a desk typing away.

Narcissa cleared her throat.

"Mhm" the woman said, not even looking up at us.

"We're here to file for a divorce and sign a marriage form and prenup" she replied back.

Narcissa had the papers ready in her hands, non of the words meant anything to me, the woman finally looked up at us and took the papers from her hands. Bella had already signed her side of the papers before she left, and I had signed mine.

It all seemed so weird.

The woman placed the papers into a gold tray before returning to her typing, my hyperactive mind was now getting the better of me and I was staring around the room at all the other people.

All of a Sudden a high pitched ting sounded from the tray and the woman picked  the papers back up, they had turned from boring regular parchment to gold lined sheets brandished with a gold seal.

"Congratulations" she murmured stuffing the sheets of paper into my hands and returning to her work. I felt their rough edges against my fingertips and their weightless standing,it had really happened

(Time skip)

I stood outside what was now  our house fumbling with the keys until the door swing open, I dropped my trunk on the floor and gasped for air, the past day had left me exhausted as it was now 11:48.

Celeste was asleep on the sofa purring gently, I smiled as I stroked her small head.

There was a note from the house elf on the kitchen table, "congratulations master Sedona, I am happy to be serving you and Master Bellatrix" I read it aloud, I wasn't sure how they knew but it was nice to know I wasn't completely alone in the middle of nowhere.

I walked upstairs leaving everything I had brought back downstairs, I was too tired.

I walked into the bedroom and flopped on the bed, it still smelt like her.

I couldn't do this anymore.

Tears spilled it of my eyes and down my face, I needed her here with me.

I met her by the rose bush - bellatrixXocWhere stories live. Discover now