Chapter 16

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The sun was starting to set. The sky was a mix of purple, orange and pink. It was beautiful.

I looked a head of me. The immortal building was standing tall as usual. I stepped inside. Anna led us to where she thought the history teacher might be. I can't wait to be able to do something for the world. I'll finally be able to say that I've saved someone. Those demons are capable of killing and hurting people. Their only existence is to cause pain and Layla, Anna and I will put an end to it.

I haven't spoke to John in a while... Maybe I should give him an update on my life. As we walked around the building I opened my phone. I pressed on the message button.

Hey john, how are you doing? We haven't spoke in a while. Anna, Layla and I are going to send some demons back to portal twelve and we may also kick their butts but our goal is to get rid of them. How's your life? I'm doing ok. I miss my parents more than anything in the world. I hope you're having s good life. Message me when you can.

I sent the message.

Layla was distracted. She stood in front of a cork board with memos, school updates and activity sign up sheets. She was looking at a paper with a microphone on it. It said

Join the immortal buildings talent show!! We're looking for great singers, actors and comedians. Auditions are on August 30th.

I wonder if she sings... Or maybe she's good at acting or stand up comedy.

"Guys he's in here. Come on!" Anna exclaimed. She had determination in her voice while she said that.

Layla and I followed behind her. "do you sing?" I asked.

"Huh? Why do you ask?" She wondered.

"I don't know. I saw you looking at the talent show sign up sheet." I said.

"... I do sing. I don't know if I'm any good. Do you sing?" Layla replied.

"I sing but I don't think I'm any good." I answered.

"Maybe when we defeat the demons we can have a duet." Layla suggested.

"Sure thing beautiful." I complimented.

Layla blushed. I couldn't resist complimenting her. She looked stunning. Anna eagerly sprinted into a room.

Layla linked her hand with mine. We stepped into the room that Anna lead us to.

"Hello Mr. Harrison, I'm Anna." Anna introduced.

"I'm cameron."

"Layla." Layla told calmly.

"What are you doing in my class at this hour, I thought school was over." Mr. Harrison wondered.

"do you by any chance have a map of the city?" Anna asked.

"Yes." Mr. Harrison replied. He shuffled through different binders and duo tangs until he found the one with old, dusty maps in it.

He handed it to me. The map was folded into fourths. I unraveled it and spread it out on a desk.

"We're trying to get rid of the demons that have escaped portal twelve and that are trying to harm us. Do you happen to know where the demons hang out?" I asked.

"Yes." Said Mr.harrison.

He circled different places. The ones he circled were the ones infested with demons. He placed an X on places he thought were safe zones. We left the immortal building. Our journey just started, I can't wait to continue.

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