Chapter 14: Rescued

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Dean walks in around 8 the next morning and I'm already awake. I didn't sleep last night at all. He drops a coffee on the table and mumbles "lets go." Without looking up at me.

I stand up and follow him back to the car. There's a bag packed in the back seat. "Where are we going?" I ask him when he starts to drive.

"Your new place" he replies. My heart drops. I didn't realize how much I've been relying on Dean, how much I wanted to be near him. I put my head down and sink in the seat. We pull up to a crummy old one story house.

"Here?" I ask as he turns the car off.

"Yup" he grabs the bag and gets out of the car. I follow him into the house. He throws the bag down on the dusty couch and walks through the house showing me where things are.

"I'll be back up in a few days to check on you. Please just stay here" he mumbles.

"Dean, wait" I say to stop him. He stops but doesn't turn. "I'm sorry" I explain "can we talk? I want to stay close to you. You make me feel safe." I say honestly and open to him.

"If I made you feel safe then you would've stayed behind. You would've listened to me" he utters out turning his left cheek over his shoulder. I stay silent, with no response and he leaves. I decide to do whatever Dean says and listen to him. He stops by the house about 2-3 times a week if he's not out on a hunt. Sam and Castiel stop by sometimes too. He calls in to check in if they are all out together and Im to answer every time no matter what I'm doing. This goes on for a about a month. Me and Dean don't talk much during this time.

One afternoon I hear 2 doors shut one right after another. I assume it's Dean and just sit where I am watching her Netflix. The front door opens and its not Dean. In walks in a man I've never seen before. He smiles a crooked smile and begins to laugh. I stand up and start to move backwards. He walks quickly towards me. I run towards the back door and another man is standing there. He looks familiar and I gasp as his hand rises and he knocks me out with a hard clock. I hear a phone ringing and I open my eyes and everything is blurry. My hands are tied to the bed frame with rope and I can't wriggle out. I start to panic and yell for help. In walk the two men drinking the bottle of scotch I had in the cabinet. As the men get closer I recognize the one who was at the back door. It was the man from the bar, the one who followed me, the one Dean beat up. My eyes look at him with anger and he laughs more limping towards me.

"Took me awhile to find you darling. You stopped working at the bar." His voice is low and scratchy.

"Go to hell" I spit towards him.

"I was following you for some time and I had it all planned out that night. But that fella did some number on me" he looks down at his leg "I had to enlist some help" he nods towards the other man standing at the door. "I couldn't just let you, or him, get away with it." He chugs from the bottle. He steps closer to me brushing his hand along my leg, up my side, and over my face. He gets close to my face and I spit on him. He slaps me across the face cutting my lip open.

"You won't get away with this" I holler out swallowing blood.

"Is your friend going to stop me? I've been scouting this place out for a month. He's gone for another 2 days or so." He grabs a roll of duct tape, rips a piece off, "Just waiting on one more friend and then we can get this party started!" He says forcing his lips onto mine. I bite his lip and he hits me again. He covers my mouth with the tape. Some hours pass before they return. A third man is with them and I begin to panic. I continue to try to loosen my hands from the rope but can't. The two men stand outside the door and the man from the bar walks in. He gets closer to me and I kick him "love when they fight! He rips at my shirt bearing my stomach. I continue to kick at him but he sits on top of me, bearing all of his weight making it hard to breath. He runs his hand up my leg again unbuttoning my shorts. He pulls at them and then we hear a crashing sound. The man looks behind him and we hear more commotion. "I better do this quick" he says pulling the shorts down faster. I get a leg out from under him and kick him in the face! He falls to the floor but gets up quickly. "That's it!" He hollers. He grabs my neck and begins to strangle me. I wriggle as much as I can but can't move. My breathing becomes short and it's getting harder to fight him. All of a sudden when I'm about to give in, his hands are off of my neck and I'm gasping for air. I turn my head and see Dean straddling the man punching him. Sam and Castiel run in. Sam helps untie my hands and Castiel goes to Dean.

"They are human" he says grabbing his arm.

"I. DONT. CARE!" He says punching him more across the face.

"Dean, stop" Castiel and Sam try to stop him but he pushes them away from him with strength.

"Dean! Dean!" I holler out but he doesn't answer me. I get off the bed and quickly kneel next to him "Dean, please" I say to him. His eyes look into my eyes and they are filled with rage. I hold my stare and his hands are shaking in fists. "I'm here" I say to him "I'm right here." The anger in his eyes diminishes and he sits back, away from the man, resting his tired body against the wall.

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