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" What, what is it ummm....."
" DAD!!
" Harry!"
" Breakfast, then you have to take Lily to her volleyball practice, then to play practice, then to swimming practice, and after that pick her up and take her to the mall to meet with her friends to have lunch, then pick her up an hour later to take her to her choir performance and please video it for me, thank you soooo much Harry you are amazing!"
"Could you please wright that down?"
"Oh no, I've got to get going or I will be late for the meeting, remember to shave this time, I'll be home around five, bye dears!"
"My goodness dad, you look horrible!"
"Thank you Lily, eat breakfast and I'll be ready when your done."
"Okay, who's taking the van and who's taking the Bucket O ' Bolts, AKA the car?"
"Think Lily, your mum is going to a meeting at work, and would your mum be seen there with the car?"
" So we've got the car." Lily sat in her chair and sighed.
" What's the matter Lil?
"It's just, well, all the other girls have like, limos to drive them around, I wonder if I'm good enough to be their friend."

"Of course you baby, you are amazing and don't you forget it!
"Thanks Dad, now,

AT 9:00 :
"So how was your day, Harry?"
"It was fine, but I'm tired."
"Well, meetings aren't any less tiring than errands."
"You think so?"
"Oh dear Harry, I don't think I know."
"Oh really, well..........."
Harry crept up behind her and lifted her into his arms, both of them laughing, Harry carried Ginny into the bedroom and threw her on the bed. Ginny stood up and kissed him and wrapped her arms around him.
"I'm so glad we fell in love." Ginny said between gentle kisses.
"Me to."


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