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"Y/N, are you ready yet?" You hear the Doctor call from outside your bedroom.

"Just a minute!" You hurriedly apply a bit of lip gloss before giving yourself a once-over in the mirror.

The dress you've picked out for this particular event (some space ball or another) might just be the best dress you've ever seen. The TARDIS had selected it especially for you, after hearing the Doctor jabber on and on about how important and extravagant the ball was meant to be. Its blue color nearly matched the ship's exterior and shimmered when it caught the light. There were a couple of layers of tulle under the skirt in a similar shade, and it fell just above your toes. The way it swishes around your ankles makes you never want to take it off.

Remembering that there is a Time Lord waiting impatiently for you, you pad over to your door. When it swings open, you can hear the breath that the Doctor takes in upon seeing you.

You draw in a similar breath when your eyes see what she's picked for tonight's ball.

Her trousers cut off mid-calf (in true Doctor fashion) and are black, rather than her usual blue. She wears a plain button-up the same color as your dress, with a black coat that hangs at the same length as her trousers. To finish the look off, she has a black, gold-speckled bowtie that she fiddles with nervously.

Simply put, she looks stunning.

"Doctor, you look..." you blow out your cheeks to illustrate your point. It isn't a secret, the feelings you harbour for the woman, but there was yet to be any actual progression on either of your parts.

"So do you," she smiles. Then she takes your hand in hers and the two of you are off toward the console room.

As you walk, the Doctor explains the reason behind your trip to the ball.

"I guess there's a rumor," she's panting with the effort it takes to walk and talk as fast as she is. "That the king of this country isn't actually real." She's darting around the console, flipping switches and pressing buttons. She pulls the dematerialization lever before she starts talking again.

"Or, he is real, but not actually organic. You see, lots of the waitstaff at the palace have been chatting with the townspeople about how the king hasn't really appeared in the public eye for ages. Until tonight." You feel the TARDIS shake as you zip through the vortex.

"The servants have had a suspicion for a while, ever since they'd spied something red in his left eye. I think what they've seen is a camera, and that their king has been replaced with a robot version of himself. So," she offers her hand to you as the ship comes to a halt. "Shall we?"

You give her a wide smile and clasp her hand tight, delighting in the feeling of being pulled toward the next adventure.

Upon stepping through the TARDIS doors, you're thrown slightly by the sheer size of the hall you're in. You can hear the music and chatter coming from the ballroom, but your eyes catch on the giant chandelier that hangs above you. It sends pieces of light all over the walls and floor, glittering and mesmerizing you.

"Woah," you breathe. This is unlike any hotel lobby you'd stepped foot in before. Of course, it's not a hotel lobby for starters, so it exceeds your expectations ten times over.

"Right?" The Doctor positively beams. "We could've come here just for fun, because it is that extraordinary. But I do want to figure out that issue,"

You nod, though your attention is given mostly to the various aliens you can now see milling about in the large ballroom. No matter how many times and places you travel, it never ceases to amaze you just how many species there are in the universe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2021 ⏰

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