Chapter 3 : Green Apple

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(Y/N)'s POV

After some time me and Garcello eventually made our way to the kitchen and took a seat from across each other. He seemed better now which was a huge relief but oh boy was he really irritated that I didn't give him a heads up about us ending up at my house.
As we both waited for our breakfast sandwiches to heat up since it had gotten a bit cold, I had to deal with his lecturing which made me groan loudly.
Ugh, when is this going to end?!
"An-And what was more worrisome was the fact that I had lost you!" He stayed silent for a bit after saying that, his face seemed to turn to a shade of red before he used one of his hands to cover his blushing face.
"You know what I mean when I say that, right?" He stuttered a bit.
Obviously I knew what he meant, if I was in his position and felt what he did that I would've been worried about him too but since I wanted this lecture to end quickly.
I get up from my seat to slowly make my way over to him, taking the opportunity to distract him and just hope he forgets what he was going to say.
"Garcello.. Garcello..~" I take a green lollipop and take off the wrapper before leaning close to him.
"Were you really that concerned for me..~?" I asked and all he gave was stuttered responses.
I smirk and bring the lollipop against his lips to which he hesitantly parts them, letting the lollipop pass through his lips. My thumb caresses his bottom lip, leaning in close to shorten the distance between our lips but just a centimeter away from our lips making contact.
"How about instead of telling me how much you really care about me, we should both instead just eat because I know we're both fucking starving?" I quickly lean away then smirk at him before I tilt my head slightly.
"Okay?" Saying in a cheerful tone as I looked at him to be faced with a speechless Garcello that was until he got up from his seat and slowly walked towards me and I quickly walked back into a wall.
Oh god, Oh god!
He towered over me, the lollipop in his mouth as he stared me down and my mistake was to make eye contact with him, which he quickly used his hand to hold my chin and continue looking him in the eyes.
"Hey kid."
Oh my- his voice!
The way he made his voice sound got me quickly flustered but then I realized what he said which made me burst out laughing which surprised him enough to let go of my chin.
"Excuse me?!" I stuttered a bit to say that before I continued dying of laughter.
He took a step back from me as I held my stomach from so much laughing and eventually calmed myself down enough to keep the conversation going.
"You do realize like I'm-I'm not even that much younger than you?"
To which he responded.
"Young enough to still be acting like a kid." He rolled his eyes before looking back at me.
"So what then you're so old that you could be my grandpa?" I laugh, my eyes tearing up as I try calming down once again.
"I'm only twenty-six! Like how old are you, eight? Since you like being so childish.." playfully saying to me with a smirk which made me respond back to him.
"I'm flipping twenty-three and soon going to be twenty-four excuse you!"
We both just ended up laughing until we both composed ourselves and stayed there in silence, the silence between us was never awkward or made me feel uncomfortable. If anything it was quite nice despite the fact of not really knowing much about him.

Garcello's POV

Dear lord, has today's morning really been something..
I looked around to notice our breakfast sandwiches finished heating up in the toaster oven but the bad thing was that a part of it was burned which made me quickly run over to our now burnt breakfast sandwiches and whined.
"It's been so hectic that we forgot our food look!" I point to our food to which they quickly run over to the toaster oven and open it, quickly taking it out which then lets out a sigh. Seeming to be sad about our food and won't lie, it hurts.
Rest in peace, breakfast sandwiches.
"Do you want pizza instead? I can order it.. Well that is if you don't mind waiting.." they turned around to look back at me and all I did was shrug.
We both ended up agreeing to them ordering pizza but I'd pay for the food this time. We took a seat across from each other once again and just continued simple conversations about ourselves or random things that came into mind. While we talked I continued eating the candy that they bought but only the green apple flavored ones which I didn't realize till they pointed it out to me with this comment.
"Hey, I think this is the longest that I've seen you without a cigarette."
"Oh.." I stay quiet for a second till I just shrug and continue sucking on a green apple jolly rancher that was in my mouth.
"Maybe it's because I'm just eating the candy? Taking my mind off smoking." I let out a chuckle.
"Well it's not like that's a bad thing, you've been basically smoking yourself to death for as far as I can remember." They take a random jolly rancher, unwrap it then put it into their mouth before talking again.
"Why don't you try-"
"Hey, no-" I tried to speak up, already knowing where this conversation was going but they shushed me, crossing my arms and let out a sigh. I stay silent and let them finish talking.
"As I was saying, why don't you try staying sober for a bit and to help you with that.." they push the small pile of jolly ranchers closer to me.
"Maybe take a jolly rancher each time you're tempted to smoke. Obviously you don't have to listen to me because who am I to tell you what to do? It's not like I'm your partner or a family member."
No but you're still someone special to me. I don't know what but you're something..
I don't say a word before I lean back in my chair and shake my head in disappointment.
"You know what, I'll try but if I'm doing this then you have to do this with me. Got it?"
I see them smile brightly before they nod, accepting my terms.
"Alright good but know that I only really want the green apple flavored ones."
They help me pick out the green apple ones, our fingers which brush against one anothers softly. It didn't seem to have startled them but it definitely made my heart feel weird.
Huh.. weird..
Author : When I said I'm going to be consistent with these updates, I meant it lol.
Funny thing is that helps me write these is rewatching or at least having audio in the background of Kitchen Nightmares. It's great.
Anyways till next update! (*'ω*)
Words : 1223

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