My kitty

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Warning this is essentially a smut crack fic characters are probably going to be ooc and lady noir is all over it. Their will be sex obv. Warning it will be shorter and cracky....

Ladybug was running across the buildings of Paris cat noir by her side. The wind ripped their her hair as she flipped through the air.
" you seem to be enjoying yourself M'lady" cat bour smirked as they landed on the Eiffel tower. Searching for an akuma in the dark was proving difficult and unnecessary but cat noir doesn't like to be alone, especially at night, and ladybug needs cat noir to forget all her embarrassments throughout the day. Slipping, stumbling, fumbling over words, down stairs, into lockers, people, she was just so tired of being marinette when she could be ladybug. Defender of parisians, defeater of hawkmoth. She needed this, flying through the sky with Cat noir not a care in the world, especially after the day she had. First she ran into her locker, dropped her bag and a picture of Adrien agrest fell right at Alya's feet. "Accidentally " running right into adrian who couldn't look more embarrased. Oh why was she such a klutz. Then ladybug looked down and saw a couple having se- wait what?!
" Cat Noir! Do you see what I see!" She pointed at the couple and the people around who joined in. Moaning could be heard throughout the streets and as more people came to investigate a bright pink beam came down over them. Which made them join the fun.
"My lady I see that and I believe we caught ourselves a fun time out " he wiggled his eye brows at ladybug who instead of being disgusted just laughed and gently swatted his chest. Right before a pink beam came down from the sky and shot the hit ladybug square in the chest but not before cat noir tried to save her. Jumping on her and trying to sheild her from the blast. Earning him a face of tits which were certinally not there before. Ladybug was equally as shocked she was blinded by her own new.breasts red black spotted spandex snacking someone in the face was a wonderful wake up call that something was up.
"Cat noir your stick is poking me ." She shifted under him only to hear him sigh under his breath.
"Is that your" ladybug's eyes shot open as a heat built up in her core. It seems her breasts weren't the only things that grew tonight.
Cat noir subconsciously ground aganist ladybugs thigh his knew gently hitting her clit as he ground himself into her. He nuzzled her soft boundless breasts as they lightly bounced under his ministration. He pulled her up to his chest and flipped her so her back was pressed aganist his chest and her ass was pressed firmly aganist his length. He slowly guided his hands over the smooth length of her stomach and gently massaged her breasts. Her head arched into his neck and her hips stuttered, her breasts seemed to be a sensitive spot. He gently kissed his neck and breathed into her ear.
" please my lady let me make you feel good. Let me show you my love" he licked along the length of her neck.
"Oh kitty ye- look at that!" She exclaimed as cat noir brought his hand to finger her over her suit. Just like their masks their suits were modified to never come off unless they transformed back. But her wetness was already seeping through. " oh my lady. You drive this kitty crazy." His lips frantically attacked her neck as his hand brought a breast for him to suck.
"That's the same couple we saw earlier they were just reshot!" Cat noir smiled into her neck.
" it seems we found our way out my lady." He said the smirk obvious in the cockiness of his voice. Ladybug arched into him as he licked her neck his cock painfully erect aganist her back. No wonder he was such a cocky cat. She reached back and let her arms wrap around his neck.
" let's hurry kitty! We need to get down there before the news- "
" my lady the only down I'm doing tonight is down on you" he flipped her over and nipped at her thigh and made his way to her sex. His lips wrapped around her clit through her clothes. Her wetness made her jumpsuit stick to her even more and define her sex for him. One day he'd see it out of costume, but only if he did this right.
" oh kitty!" Her breathy moans were like music to his ears as she grabbed at his hair. Chanting his name over and over like a prayer. Then they heard the beeping as a spot and cat toe were out. Ladybug frantically grabbed his arm and pulled him higher onto her body. The only thing between them were these pesky jumpsuits.
"Ever heard of scissoring kitty?" She smiled fondly at him a blush spread across her beautiful face her eyes lidded with pleasure. Cat noir pulled her close chest to chest and kissed her softly at first and then the kiss became more passionate. Ladybug's heart swelled as her pussy grew wetter. Only cat noir would do this. Try to save her then make her fell this good. Somebody lesser would have catasylmed her suit and taken her without asking. Without caring about her fate. Then they heard another beep.
"My lady I wish this could last forver but sadly we don't have much time left." He gave her a sad smile. The pink fuzziness in her head grew less.
"I ways have time for you kitty. We'll have infinity after this I promise"
"My lady I know your in lov-"
Her magic ladybugs flew threw the air and produced-
" a vibrator?" Ladybug looked around the things lighting up were cat noirs cock and her pussy.
"Cat noir." His voice sounded husky on her lips. She flicked on the vibrator and place it vertically in between their legs and pulled cat noir closer.
"I love you kitty and I want you. " her words sounded sincere. His heart skipped a beat in her chest as he pulled her impossibly closer their hips grinding against the toy between them.
"You mustn't say such things to me my lady, or I'll be inclined to believe them" then she kissed him. And his hips stuttered he groaned her name into her mouth as he came into his suit. He ran his hands to her chest giving her nipples an affectionate tug. Her hands dug into his hair as she came on the toy in the arms of the boy she loved.
Then her chest disappeared and the pink fuzz in her eyes disappeared. Her head fell aganist cat noirs chest she slowly came down from her high. Their chests heaving their arms intertwined.
"Catasylm" he whispered. His hand tipped from lady bug as Sexior came down from the sky.
Cat noir having finally came down from his high grabbed ladybug and flew to the top of the Eiffel tower. Bringing his hand down. Sexior caught by surprise dropped his magic dildo which ladybug caught and smashed. You know the rest!
Everything was fixed and cat noir jumped to the nearest rooftop.
( warning cheesiness up ahead)

"I'm sorry my lady. I know your in love with-"
" Cat Noir I needed you and you came through. But most of all I wanted you. The boy i was in love with was never their for me. Hes not even allowed out of the house most of the time. Hes always giving mixed signals and I'm just sick of it. Having a love that's never returned and then I thought of you. How yours always by my side. How you always come when I call. How you always make me laugh and and your just you kitty. You make me happy. All that boy did was make me sad and frustrated." Ladybug didn't realize tears were flowing from her eyes as her head fell aganist his chest.
"I realized that I'm in love with you. It's always been you kitty. And I'm sorry for always rejecting you. I love you Kitty" her baby blue eyes looked into his green ones. cat noir held her close breathing in her scent of freshly baked bread and various craft supplies. Cat noir wasn't alone anymore. He finally won ladybug. He held her face in his hands and kissed her. Letting his love flow through their kiss. He knew this was as far as they we we've going to get. They could never reveal their identities, never be normal, but normal is overated anyway...then again theres always blindfolds.
"My lady" he whispered as her hands traveled down the frount of his suit.
" My kitty" she licked his neck earning a growl.
"We can fuck blindfolded ,but either way I'm getting that cock"
" I love you my lady use me as you wish"

Okay well that's it if this blows up I'll write pt 2.
....I thought this would be shorter,,,,,still crack though. Ha my first crack was about a show with a cat and ladybug...I loves this!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2021 ⏰

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