One time I saw a red rose in the wind, flying towards the high way. I stared in amazement as it wondered in the air without any intent to stop it's adventure,without a care for where it was going. I spoke with so many family members and friends about that rose, but no one quite understood. Then I began to feel like a rose in a flower patch, watching the rose flutter in the sky as i stayed where we were supposed to. Then I realized,I already was a flower in a flower patch watching the other flowers fly towards a path unknown, freedom in the leafs.
" it's been a long time since we made a trip up to the mountains to visit the cattle, dear" mother spoke to father, pouring his coffee into his coffee mug" it's been awhile because Daisy doesn't ever seem to want to join us" daisy, the 18 year old with her long socks pulled up over her tights and oversized long sleeve sweater turned around and stared drastically towards her parents staring back at her " I'm a homebody " she said subtly " okay homebody, pack your weekend bag because we're going up north" " yes! You can be a homebody in the cabin, dear" mother chirped along trying to add some kind of incentive. Daisy stared at both of them laughing and giggling away towards their own room, a big sigh falling from her lips when they were out of sight. " isn't this great? A weekend in a no bedroom one bathroom cabin with my parents" she thought " well... I do have my tree house.. I could sleep in there for the time being" she sat up, walking out of the living room towards her own.