Beginning of the end

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It began like any other day for our family. My two brothers and I went down to breakfast and that's when we got some shocking news. We had to stay at our grandparents house for the summer as our parents were going to Atlanta for a business trip. When our parents told us that we had to stay at our grandparents house we were totally against it as the house in which they lived was in the middle of a forest and the house was big and old. "Gretchen call your brothers and tell them to go get their things and put them in the car" my mother told me. We were all ready to go and in the car when Dylan one of brothers suddenly said that he had forgotten his camera and ran back inside to get it. Well u can say he forgets many things. He came back with his camera and we started our journey. During the journey Dylan and Caden kept arguing about who was going to take the best pictures. By the way guys Dylan, Caden and I are triplets. They can be very annoying sometimes but they are fun.

We finally got there after a long drive on about 4 hours. I am not sure I fell asleep most of the journey. So we were finally there and it was dark outside around 10 pm in the night. We saw our grandparents waiting for us in the doorway. We got our stuff and took them inside. Inside the house it was dark as well. Their were dim lights everywhere. We all thought that the house was kind of creepy. Our grandma had made us some pies so we ate them and told goodnight and goodbye to our parents as they were going to be leaving really early the next day and then we went to our rooms to go to sleep. I instantly fell asleep as I was really tired.

I woke up the next morning and went downstairs to have breakfast. Grandma had made some delicious pancakes. We gobbled up the pancakes and were ready to explore the house. "Kids why don't you come with me to the attic. I think there will be something that will interest u there" our grandfather said. So we followed him up to the attic. The attic was really dusty and filled with many dummies. " Wow grandpa why do have so many dummies up here?" asked Caden. "Well Caden I used to be a puppeteer when I was younger. But I had to retire because of my age. And these are some of the dummies I worked with. Just keeping them to remember those joyous days" Said grandpa. " But grandpa who made these very realistic dummies" I asked. " Well Gretchen u would be surprised if I told u I made these dummies with my own bare hands." Said grandpa. I was actually surprised because I didn't know he could do something like that.

" Well children you can explore a some more but I need to head back down because me and your grandma are going to do some gardening outside" said grandpa. We said bye to our grandpa and started exploring. " Hey guys come check this out" Dylan called suddenly. We quickly went to where he was standing and found a chest. Well I think you know what happened next we opened the chest and found a very scary looking dummy. In the box was a piece of paper which said this is Slappy the dummy. We were really impressed by this dummy and thought that we would keep this our little secret. Then Caden who was inspecting the dummy found another piece of paper which read "Karru marri odonna loma moluna karrona" Caden read these very strange words. They sounded really funny to us so were laughed it off. He then but the dummy back in the chest and we came down as we were hungry by the time we finished exploring. Well I think you guys sur know what happened next. We were in for a series of unfortunate events. We went downstairs and our grandma had made some delicious looking salad with chicken, cheese, carrots, hummus, and crackers. And for dessert she had made some blueberry pies which tasted amazing. After lunch we helped our grandparents with the dishes. After that Caden suggested playing hide and seek and Dylan and I agreed. We were sure that Caden would be too afraid to come into the attic alone to find us so we went there and hid behind an old couch.

Well now I wish we had never thought of hiding in the attic. We were at the attic door when we found it wide open. " Hey I thought you closed the attic door before u came to lunch" Dylan told me. " But I did close it" I said. Then we heard Caden saying " Ready or not here I come" So we quickly dashed behind the couch and waited. It seemed like ages but then we heard the creaking of the floorboards. We thought that Caden had come up so we were extra quit. We waited for another 5 minutes an Dylan poked his out from behind the couch to see what was happening. " Oh my god!!!" he said. He didn't sound too pleased. I also looked from behind the couch and to my horror I saw a dummy walking across the floorboards. I couldn't see who it was but I was certain it was a dummy. The dummy then turned his face to the side and I realized that it was ' Slappy'. Dylan and I were really shocked but before we could even think of moving Caden and Grandpa came into the attic. We both we kind of relieved that Caden found us. " What took you so long" Dylan asked. " Umm nothing I was just making sure u weren't outside" Caden said. Dylan and I started laughing as we knew he was to afraid to come to the attic alone and that he didn't want to tell that to us. " Hey what are you laughing about?" Caden asked. But before we could answer him grandpa said " Come on now kids lets go down it's time for dinner". We went downstairs and ate dinner. After dinner Dylan, Caden and I went to my room to play a game of monopoly. We were in the middle of the game when Dylan suddenly said " Hey Caden while Gretchen and I were up in the attic waiting for you to find us we saw slappy walking across the floor." " Oh stop trying to scare me Dylan plus your are stupid if you are saying that you saw a dummy walk" said Caden. "He is not lying Caden you got to believe us. It was that scary looking dummy in the chest." I said. And well it was no surprise that he didn't believe us.

In the middle of the night I heard my bedroom door open with a creek. I saw a small figure poking it's head in. I got out of bed and went near the door to see who is was and to my horror it was slappy but this time he was lifeless. I was really shocked as to how he got down from the attic. I had nothing else to do so I took the dummy into my room. " Who are you you creepy dummy?" I asked. " And why in the world do u have such a big grin on your face huh?" I felt stupid talking to a dummy so I threw it inside my closet and got into bed and fell asleep. The next morning we went down to breakfast and guess what we found. We found slappy sitting in a chair in the dinning room. " Kids please don't bring the dummies down to the table because they are really dusty" said grandma. We were really shocked because we didn't bring the dummy down. I was specially shocked as I remember throwing it in my closet. " But we didn't bring it here grandma" I said. " Come on kids don't lie to your grandma. You know it's not nice to lie" said grandpa. " Now take it back up into the attic"

" But but but the dummy it moves it can walk" I muttered. " You are taking this too far young lady" grandpa scolded me. " Grandpa ask dylan even he saw the dummy moving" I said. " Dylan is this true?" grandpa asked him. " Umm I ummm I don't know what she is talking about" Dylan said. I was soo shocked, angry and sad that Dylan had lied to grandpa and had accused me when he saw the dummy walking as well. I was soo angry that I ran up the stairs and went it to my room and locked my door. I didn't come out for the rest of the evening. Dylan kept coming near the door of my room and trying to break down the door by hitting it. I didn't open the door because I was still angry. I turned around to go to the door and tell him to go away when I saw slappy sitting on my bed. I was so terrified that I screamed. I tried to run to the door but felt a very tight grip on my wrist. I saw slappy gripping my wrist. " Let me goo" I said. " Wow he is so strong for a dummy" I thought. " Where do u think your going slave" Slappy said. " U CAN TALK?" I asked him . " Of course I can talk do u think I am a piece of wood" Said slappy. " I must thank you for helping me to come alive you know" said slappy. And then it hit me those words Caden read those strange mysterious words they were what made slappy come alive. I saw a white piece of paper on the floor near my foot so I grabbed it and read the words off of the paper. " Those words won't kill me you dummy" said slappy. Dylan was still banging on the door when he finally managed to get in the room by picking the lock. Right when Dylan came in slappy became lifeless. But Dylan had heard everything that slappy had said.

Me and Dylan took slappy back upstairs and locked the attic door. We then went and told our grandparents to come into my room and hide in the closet with Dylan and we also told Caden to dress up as a dummy and come to my room at 12 in the night. So it all went as planned. My grandparents hid in the closet with Dylan and I jumped on my bed and waited till 12. Finally I heard my door creek open. And in came slappy I saw him at the post of my bed and then all of a sudden another dummy comes in and slappy and him get into a big fight. We all stay silent and let Caden do his job. And at last the other dummy slams slappy's head into the bed post and it cracks into two. We all cheer and my grandparents come out of the closet and hug me and say " We are so sorry we doubted you dear". " It's okay" I said. We all come into a big group hug but then I say " Hey where's Caden" so we went into his room and find him fast asleep. " Hey wake up sleepyhead" Dylan says while shoving him hard. He finally wakes up "Hey what time is it?" he asks. It's 1 in the morning says Dylan. " Oh no I forgot to wake up and come to your room Gretchen I am so sorry" he says. " Wait wait hold on a a sec if that wasn't you who destroyed slappy then who was it??" 

                                                                                     THE END

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2021 ⏰

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