Chapter 5: Game date

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"There you are, dinner is already ready," sounds as we enter the house. Takeshi is standing in front of us, and as if reinforcing his statement, his stomach growls loudly.

"If you're that hungry, you could've helped out setting the table," Aya's father appears from the kitchen.

"I was too weak due to my lack of food," Takeshi complains, receiving a soft shoulder bump from Aya.

"We are here working our asses off and you don't even bother to set the table for your dear sister, mother and Hanata. That's fairly disappointing, Takkun," she says, putting on a fake sad tone of voice.

"I thought I'd leave the honours to dad. Anyways, it's all set and dinner is done. Time to dig in!" And with that all of us walk to the kitchen.

Takeshi visiting before and telling me I was welcome to stop by, made me feel obliged about coming, yet I don't really mind. I enjoy being here, even if that means having to sit through another scolding of my parents'.

"Do you have any hobbies, Hanata?" Aya's father suddenly asks, shaking me up from thoughts.

"I don't really practice a sport but I guess I like playing video games," I answer, thinking about if there's anything else worth mentioning. I doodle when being bored or mess around with some paper now and then, but I wouldn't really call it a hobby.

"Takkun plays a lot of games as well, right Takkun?" Aya suddenly mentions, looking from me to Takkun at back at quite a high pace. There's no doubt that she's up to something again, not when she's looking this happy about having found a common factor between the two of us.

"I guess I do like playing games, what kind of games are you most into?" he answers, as he turns his attention to me while asking the question.

"I play a lot of genres... But I guess I am more into games which have some kind of story than those shooters without a backstory... Some kind of lore is needed!"

"Do you mean like RPGs? I really enjoy playing RPGs as well," Takeshi answers, tapping his chin while thinking. "But I play lots of different things, basically anything that catches my attention."

"And you still wonder where all your money disappears off to..." their mom joins into the conversation with a sigh. "You always spend it the second you see a slightly interesting game."

"But mom..." Takeshi starts off, dropping a small pause to probably overthink what he's about to say. "We only get to live once, wouldn't it be a shame to not play the games we want to play?"

"Nice try..." their mom responds, continuing with her food.

"But it's his money," the husband tries calming down the wife. "If he spends it all, he'll be the one without money when he wants something else out of the blue."

"Honey, you're the one regularly giving them extra money when they ask for it..." the mother sighs. Takeshi and Aya suddenly seem very interested in their plate, quickly working down their food and constantly having their mouths filled to the brink, unable to speak a single word.

"Only when they really need it."

"Is the arcade or another new game needing it?"

I can't help but let out a soft chuckle, causing the attention to now have shifted towards me. "I'm sorry," I quickly apologise. "My parents never bicker like this so it's quite funny to see."

"Would you like to stay after dinner to play a game?" I'm not sure if Takeshi is trying to honestly invite me or just to divert their parents' attention from the money question.

"I'm sorry, I really need to go home after dinner. My parents will be home around seven and expect me to be so as well. Sorry," I answer, scratching the back of my neck. It's not a lie, though I won't be surprised if someone thought it was. Which teenager has a curfew of 7PM after all?

"Then let's do so another time," Takeshi answers, getting up to take a pen and piece of paper. "I'll give you my phone number so that you can text me whenever you're free."

"And you don't have to bother about coming to the store when you do so," their mother says. "After all, you help out without being paid. There's no reason for you to feel obliged to come."

"Alright," I say as I take the paper which Takeshi reaches me. "Thanks." I take out my phone and add his number.

'Hii'. "Did you get that message?"

"Well, I'm not sure. But some stranger just sent me hii... Wow, the profile picture sure looks like you but a lot more fancy," Takeshi answers, as he holds up his phone to compare.

"Yes-yes, that's me. My parents wanted me to have a proper profile picture. Don't mind it please," I respond, putting my phone away.

"Can I see?" their mom's insatiable curiosity kicks in, reminding me of Aya when Ichigo first got her hands on my phone number.

Takeshi holds out the phone to his mom, who takes it and -just as her son- starts comparing the picture with me.

"It sure looks different, but you also look very pretty in this picture. Was there some kind of party because you're dressed up like this?" she asks, handing the phone back.

"Not really, I just spent a day with my parents. They usually want me to wear dresses and look fancy and such."

"I don't understand why you'd force your kid into something they don't want to wear, but I guess as long as you're fine with it..."

I allow the subject to die off with a slight hum from me, as the subject turns to school. We end up complaining about teachers, homework and more things for the next thirty minutes. I help out a little with the dishes and after saying my goodbyes, I start heading home.


After having a small talk with my parents when they get home, I head up to my room. They didn't find out I went out today, and their mood improved only further when I told them about an upcoming test which I think will be easy, so now they expect me to get a good grade and improve my average.

Well, I didn't lie about thinking the test will be easy, but it's the subject I have the most difficulty with so I guess I'll see whether I'll really get a good grade or just a mediocre one.

Bzz bzz... I take my phone out of my pocket and light the screen. The notification for a new text lights up my screen with Takeshi's name above it. I wonder why he'd text me so soon after me leaving his place.


That's all, just the hey.

'Hello, why did you text? Is something up?' I respond, laying down on my bed and kicking off my shoes.

'I just realised I never responded to your hii. Now I did.'

I chuckle at the response, I guess I should've seen something like that coming.

'Then thank you very much for responding.' I reply, laying my phone down to start changing into pyjamas.

I hear my phone buzz again and with my arms and head half stuck in my shirt, which I took off about halfway until pausing to look at the screen, I manage to just read what the texts say.

'You're free tomorrow after school?'

'To play that game.'

I wonder why he sent two messages to ask so. Maybe he first only meant to ask if I were free but then added the second message to make himself clearer.

'I am. My classes end at 3PM.' I respond, finally freeing my body from the shirt and pulling on my pajamas.

'Then I'll see you tomorrow. Good night :D.'

I laugh at the typed emoticon, and decide to send the same kind of emoticon back.

'See you, good night ^v^'

The Undateable (Discontinued) ~ Takeshi x OC [Fujiwara Bittersweet]Where stories live. Discover now