good mornings.

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mornings never felt like mornings for albedo, especially when he stayed up all night as he tries to further understand something that has been on his mind for days. he doesn't feel the warm sun hit nicely on his skin, he didn't like how heavy his body felt, nor how everything became extra annoying to him.

timaeus stares at albedo, who was staring into empty space by the shelves, while he does his work at the crafting table. this wasn't the first time this happened to him but he still gets worried over his teacher's state.

"mr. albedo, i'll be heading back to mondstadt to fetch some materials that i seem to forget to pack extras." he said to his teacher who simply just nods his head with his eyes still fixed on the void.

timaeus hurriedly walks back to the city and calls sucrose, who was reading a book by the table, "sucrose, i need your help!"

"t-timaeus? what's wrong? i hope i can be of help--" sucrose wasn't able to finish her sentence when timaeus immediately spoke his requests for her.

"you actually can, it's about mr. albedo. i believe he pulled another all-nighter." he said with a frown, "he looked pale and barely blinks, i'm starting to worry." he added, make sucrose frown with him as well.

"another all-nighter? this is the fourth time this week, and it's thursday!" sucrose exclaimed with worry visible in her eyes, "i should go visit him, maybe... i can talk to him... to take a rest for today." she added shyly.

this made timaeus smile and gave sucrose a light push from the back, "you do that, sucrose. i'll volunteer to do the task he gave you here for today. no buts! just... help our teacher, please..."

"o-okay..." sucrose replied with a low tone before walking away from him, as she heads her way to the mountains of dragonspine. she was lucky enough to avoid any monsters along the path to his laboratory, she didn't want to greet albedo looking like a mess from fighting.

the moment she reached the warm welcome of the laboratory, sucrose jumped in surprise when she spots albedo on the floor. he was shading aggressively on his sketchpad, looking eager to finish another artwork.

"m-mr. a-albedo?" sucrose called as she took small steps closer to his position, but even though her voice was clear and the area was silent and still. albedo's mind was too clouded, which made him ignore her continuous calls.

"mr. albedo!" she calls once more, even placing her hand gently on his shoulder.

"s-sucrose? when did you get here?" he asked as he finally sets his eyes on his assistant whom he just realized her presence. he tries to stand to properly speak with her, she really only ever goes out of their laboratory in mondstadt whenever she has some important matters to discuss so albedo thought she must have something important to say to him.

but sucrose stops him immediately, "mr. albedo, you don't need to stand." she said with worry hinting in her tone, "you didn't sleep again, i thought we already talked about this." she added with a frown.

"i know, i know but there is still something running around my mind, i still have to find the answer." albedo reply in a low tone, almost feeling embarrassed at her.

sucrose sighed and stood in front of him, "i-i... i understand, mr. albedo. then i hope you'll soon find the answer to the question that lives in your mind." she shyly responded before turning her back at him as she goes to a table to make him something for breakfast, "i'll make you some coffee, mr. albedo. hopefully, it can help your mind clear up a bit and do work more efficiently... even after skipping sleep for days." she mumbled the last part with a pout as she starts making him coffee.

albedo quietly looks at her as she busies herself before letting his eyes fall back to his sketchbook that had messy charcoal strokes around the paper, forming a very familiar figure... which was sucrose, smiling as bright as the sun. the smile she always has on her lips whenever she achieves something on her research and goes to albedo to share it.

"i too, hope to find the answer." he whispered to himself as he gently touches the sketch on paper, "of whether i have fallen over or not?" he added in an even lower tone.

"hmm? did you say anything, mr. albedo?" sucrose asked.

"nothing in particular, sucrose."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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