Chapter 20

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Y/n P.O.V.

I finally fell asleep after what felt like hours. I shivered as I opened my eyes.  "Hope he's sorry.  He didn't mean to.  He was drunk anyways."  I heard a voice say. 

"She was terrified and you just expect it to be okay because he was drunk.  He almost-"  Hope tried to say but got cut off.

"She's awake you should leave Landon."  I heard Josie say.  The door close and I sat up.  Hope and Josie looked at me.  "How are you feeling?"  Josie asked me.  I just shrugged.  I got up out of the bed.  I felt lightheaded as I stood.  I felt Josie grab my arm.  I quickly pulled away.

"Y/n it's okay."  Hope said.  I walked away to find my bag.  I grabbed some clothes from it and went to the bathroom.  I took a shower and scrubbed my skin as hard as I could.

I started getting dressed when I couldn't find my shirt and realized I probably dropped it.  I put on the sports bra and sweat pants and walked out.  Hope and Josie both looked at me as I walked out.  "What?"  I asked.  Going to my bag to find my shirt.

"Are you okay?"  Josie asked.

"I'm fine Josie."  I spoke roughly as I pulled my shirt on covering my scars.

"Don't be like that y/n."  Hope spoke almost matching the tone I used with Josie.

"What Hope what are going to do hmm!"  I yelled at her.

"Don't raise your voice with us.  We are only trying to help you."  Josie said softer.  I shot her a glare.

"I'm leaving."  I said walking out of the room them closely following behind me.

"Mg stop her."  Josie said and he vamped in front of me.  I felt my eyes shift.  A low growl escaping my throat.

"Enough y/n."  I heard Hope say.  I turned towards her anger painting my face.  Her eyes shifted to golden yellow.  She came over barely inches away from my face.  "Calm down."  She spoke through a growl.

"Make me."  I snarled back.  I heard my bones break.  She looked back at me with fear that I was willing to turn even if I couldn't control my wolf form.  Anger filling me.  I welcomed the pain that came with my bones breaking.  It was bearable till all the memories of what happened started to come back.  I fell to the ground tears in my eyes till I couldn't take it.

Hope P.O.V.

"When will she wake up?"  Josie asked her dad.

"I don't know.  The witch we had looke at her said that she is mentally shutting down.  Whatever happened to her with Noah guy is all resurfacing all at once her human form can't cope with the emotional pain so she turned.  What ever happened that set her off almost killed her."  He said looking ask us for what happened.

"I um-"  Josie said.

"Its not our place to say."  I spoke cutting Josie off.

"Girls she almost died today and she more than likely still could if I don't find out what happened to her, her death will be on your twos hands."  He said angrily."  Josie and I looked at one another.

"It was Raf he was drunk and he tried to have-" I paused before I continued "Sex with her.  We stopped him but she just froze after.  She fell asleep cry and apologizing over and over.  When she woke up she almost fell she then took a shower and from there just lost it."  I spoke looking down.

"You waited this long to tell me."  He spoke angrily.

"Dad were sorry we were waiting for her to wake up so we did what she wanted."  Josie said.

"Also the fact that we aren't going to let her kill herself to save me."  I spoke.  He just looked down shaking his head.

"Jesus now we have more things to worry about with this one."  He said.

"Alrick"  Caroline said in disapprovement.  "You can not say stuff like that."

"What are you doing down here?  If she wake up she could kill you."  He said. 

"I could too but you don't see me doing anything so keep your mouth shut about her."  I spoke.

"That's not what I ment I just ment that what are we going to do?"  He asked.

"I'll go into her mind and try slowing her thoughts down letting them come down calmly."  I said.

"Hope if she wakes up and your in your human form who is to say she won't kill you?"  He asked.

"I'll turn in there with her.  I'll take the serum that will allow me to connect to her.  It will use my magic from there and give me the ability to transfer to her mind slowing the memories to allowing them to play out."  I spoke.

"Hope if you go into there you will only have a few minutes and who knows what you will see in her mind.  All we know is from the scars but she hasn't told us anymore."  Josie said.

"I know Josie but I have to."  I told her.

"Alright then its settled."  Caroline spoke.

After that we started to set up what I needed.  I told them all to leave.  Josie refused like I knew she would but it's okay.

"Hope I don't want to lose you."  She said pulling me into her.

"I know but we can't lose her either."  I told her hugging her.

"Please bring her back to us."  She said.  We stood there for a little while before I went into the transformation cellar.  I started to strip.  I could feel Josie's fear.  After we marked her it was like I could feel everything she was.  She seemed to stop feeling are pain when we turned which I could tell she was thankful for.  I then drank the potion and started to shift.  I felt every bone break.  I let the pain consume me after being used to it.  I laid down and closed my eyes as I wait for sleep to take me.

Hope Mikaelson × fem reader x Josie SaltzmanWhere stories live. Discover now