Does it look like i care pt2

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I went in the room and just what I needed fangs blow up on me I was saved by Veronica I went back to my room but my time alone was over cause after a few minutes Betty came in.

"Hey"she broke the silence.

"Hi do you need something or"I ask es her.

"I came cause I was worried you said something happened with Cheryl"she sat down next to me.

"Right I think she's at her house if that's what you wanted to know"I told her.

"Ok but happened cause obviously you weren't at your best place after it"she asked me.

I began telling Her about what happened even the thing for few years back and just everything but I managed to get through it with our crying so that was good.
Then she took me to Veronicas room to watch movies with Vero fangs was still mad at me though I could have guess that since I left the first time especially after telling him about the drugs and drinking cause of me ending up in a hospital the last time I did that.
But now I was just trying to get time over with o didn't want to stay here that long anymore but I'm also not going to ruin Ronnie and fangs vacation just because I want to leave so I'm going to stay here for now.
It now 1 in the morning and luckily We stayed in the bed cause both Veronica and Betty had fallen asleep.

Next morning~

I woke up today cause fangs bursted through my door worried I wouldn't be there I told him I gotten my shit worked out but he didn't trust me so he stayed.
Betty came in with Veronica a little bit ago cause we were eating together here we ate Betty we were still here all of us either on our phones or watch the tv an hour went by before Betty started talking.

"Toni can you take me valves to my house I need to get clothes even though your giving me here but still"I asked me I looked over at fangs cause I was practically on house arrest but in a room her nodded I grabbed the car key.

Me And Betty walked out drove of to a familiar street then I knew where we were we are near Cheryl's house.
I parked out side the house she told me to which surprise,surprised was Cheryl's house I looked at her with a questionable look she just shrugged it of.

"Come on fangs said to me you have to be with be at all times"she said getting out the car.

"Your kidding this is Cheryl's house I'm not getting out if you want FaceTime me and you can still watch me like that"I compromised. She rolled her eyes closed the door coming to my side getting me out.

Though I'm taller then her she is a bit stronger than me we walked in the house I saw a Cheryl on the couch with a brunette next to her.
I ignored it but Cheryl came up to Betty asking if she was staying or not and some other thing I stopped paying attention.
Apparently she was trying to get my attention for something.

"TONI"Betty yelled.

"Mm wh-what sorry zoned out"I apologized

Betty looked and Cheryl making me look at her.

"What did you ask something"I asked them.

"No I was just leaving"Cheryl said walking out right after

"Betty you didn't tell me you lived with Cheryl"i whisper yelled at her.

She closed her door facing me "yea I know I didn't tell you but now you can scream if you want the room a sound proofed"she said.

"Ugh can I just wait in the car please"I asked

"Fine I'll call you in sec I'll be out a a few"she gave in.

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