He Knows....

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*snape POV*

'This brat better not get any closer...the root has worn off...' I try to somehow bury myself deep within the wall, wanting to keep myself away from him. "Potter if you dare come closer I will fail you in Potions!" I suddenly feel my whole body begin to heat up, my breathing becoming a bit heavier. "Really now?" I hear shuffling in the dark and the heat begins to grow throughout my body. "Potter. Stay. Back." I try and sound angry but my words sound more intoxicated than anything. "All these years of you torturing me...I have a chance to do the same and it's pretty tempting..." I feel Harry crouch down in front of me, his hand reaching out and touching the side of my face. "Harry. This potion is seriously dangerous. I can't completely control myself right now." He gently takes ahold of my jaw, tilting my head up. "Tell me Severus...why be so mean all these years?" I look up into the darkness, anger building inside of me. "Do you think I had a choice?! You know as well as I do that I don't!" I force my arms forward and push him away, him stumbling back and falling against the floor. "Of course you have a choice! What's stopping you?" Silence filled the air between us, I could feel Harry's anger and confusion. "You know what is stopping me." My voice comes out deep, dripping with sadness. I feel him climb up and grab my arm, I try and pull away but he keeps ahold of me.

His fingers trace the dark mark on my arm and his grip loosens. I pull my arm back and hold it to my chest. "You're...one of them?" His voice stung my heart, guilt filling my head. "Harry I...I've tried my best to protect you over the years....and being an arse is a part of it...how do you think the Dark Lord would react if I favored you?" I feel arms suddenly wrap around me, my body becoming hot from the closeness. I sit confused and over heated, wondering what in the world he was doing. "I'm sorry...I'll stop trying to torture you now...thank you." His words were soft and quiet, sadness weaved into them. I hesitantly bring my arms up and wrap them around the boy. He jumped a little but still hugged me, his thumbs gently rubbing against me comfortingly. "Ah I'm sorry I should..." he pulled away some, facing me in the dark as his sentence trails off.  I wasn't in control anymore...or maybe I was. I leaned forward and our lips connected, causing Harry to gasp slightly. I pull away and gently push on his chest. "I-I'm sorry. I can't cont-" my sentence was cut short by Harry's lips connecting to mine. Everything was on fire as I kissed him back. Our lips part only to find eachother again, passion slowly taking over our kisses. My tongue softly slips onto his lips, they part slightly to allow me access. We begin making out, his hands resting on my shoulders as he climbs and sits onto my lap. My hands roam by themselves, resting upon Harry's hips. It took everything to contain myself, but when a soft moan escaped Harry, I couldn't help it anymore. My hands move to cup Harry's ass, pushing more into the kiss. He pulled back and gasped softly for air, allowing me access to his neck. I bit his lower neck, earning a moan from him. "Prof...Severus is this okay?" My name coming from him, it fueled the fire, I almost moan hearing it come from him. "No...no it's not but it feels so good..." I pull his hips closer to mine as I bite his neck again, Harry's nails digging into my shoulders. His body trembles softly as his hips begin to move, grinding softly against me. I lean back against the wall and look to our hips, my eyes only slightly adjusted to the pitch black of the closet. I begin to rock my hips with his, Harry's breathing quickening as we grind ourselves together. "Harry sit back." My voice came out more demanding than I meant, making Harry instantly sit back, giving me space. I stand up, feeling my bulge move against the fabric of my pants.

"You made the potion..you get to handle what it does. On your knees, now." My body was on fire at this point. I needed to release the pent up flames burning deep within my soul. I see Harry's outline move in the dark, getting onto his knees and coming close. "I've never done this before, Severus..." My name slipping from his lips makes me want to pounce on the boy. His hands gently place themselves on my thighs, I could feel Harry's gaze look up to me. "So...I'm not sure how good I-" I grab a handful of hair and push his head back down, facing the throbbing bulge in my pants. "Harry...use those lips for something else other than talking." I hear "yes sir" before feeling his lips peck their way along my erection. I let out a sigh of pleasure, feeling him slowly tease me through the kisses. His hands trace their way up, reaching the buttons of my pants and working to undo them. When my pants opened, my erection popped out, but sadly still trapped in their cotton prison. Harry's lips traced their way along my erection, making me want to take control, but I fight the urge. Instead I let out a moan, every kiss felt like electric, sending ripples of pleasure through my body. "Come on Harry...you're killing me." A small chuckle can be heard before my boxers are ripped down, my cock springing forward, happy to have freedom.

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