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TODAY was the day, Carter thought as he stared at his reflection in the mirror. Today he was going to Hogwarts, today would decide who he would go through life as and today was the day he would get sorted.

He hadn't given it much thought before but now he had found himself in a state of stress.

What if the wrong decision got made?

It was funny that the raven was thinking about it because in fact, it would be the Sorting Hat who would make the decision for him.

However, to his own, it was already closed case, he refused for it to be Gryffindor.

It wasn't right to him,he thought with a sour look on his face.

"Carter, are you almost ready?" Narcissa asked from downstairs just as he pulled a dark purple jumper over his head.

"Yes, just a minute!"

He wasn't feeling right about this everything.

Carter glanced at the mirror one last time and nodded.

He could do this.

Just as he was about to close the door of the room, he somehow managed to bump into Draco. He looked at the blond, but immediately decided to avoid his gaze.

If Carter had to be honest, you could say he wasn't very fond of the blond. He was nothing but a stuck up, bleached blond looking brat.

"Sorry, I didn't see you" he muttered quietly under his breath.

The boy decided to not wait for a response and was about to walk downstairs when he suddenly heard him.

"Do you already know in which house you want to be sorted in?" He asked, nicer than expected.

Carter shook my head and thought of an answer that might've satisfied Draco. "No not really but definitely not Gryffindor, you?"

He laughed a little bit,making the raven stare in disbelief. The two of them normally didn't get along much so it was odd to hear a genuine laugh from the blond.

"Slytherin." He answered,his voice filled with confidence,which Carter better would've taken for arrogance.

After spending a few weeks with the Malfoys, Carter and Draco had no talked a few times.

They didn't exactly get along but neither did they hate one another. Though, Carter was more hanging towards the side of sheer dislike.

Without saying another word,the duo made their way downstairs where their trunks were standing. He looked to his left and stared at the chocolate brown owl.

He had named her Artemis, after the Greek goddess of hunting.

"There you are, breakfast is ready." His father said,making the boy turn to look at the older man as he took a seat at the long table. He didn't want to sit near him.

It was obvious, at least to himself that the dislike he was having towards his father could only grow from now on.

Redundantly, he stared at the seat beside him and mentally shook his head. Then his gaze focused on the seat besides the blond.

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