Savannah's introduction

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Year 2021        Month June     Age 16

Name Savannah Marie Mills (Jonas)

Yes I said Jonas I was born a Jonas but I was adopted and this is my life. 

I have not seen my family in more than 6 year. The last time I saw them it was my 10th birthday. If I would have known that I would never see them again I would have been glue to my brothers. I miss them a lot. My life has gone to flame seen. My adopted father passed when I was 2 of cancer. My adopted mother it a drunk. So I'm living with my abusive adopted aunt and if you think I'm exaggerating trust me I'm not. 


It was New Years of 2015 i haven't seen my brother's for 4 months. I was missing them really bad when I heard  DNCE was coming up next with Cake By The Ocean. I thought I heard it somewhere but couldn't remember. Then they came on and I had the biggest smile I've ever had on my face. On the stage was my brother Joe. Joe Jonas. When he started singing I felt safe from everything. He would always sing to me to clam me down. I've heard the song before to on the radio. I couldn't help staring at him. Then my aunt decided to mess with my happiness and it worked. "This is the most dumbest song I've ever heard" she said. " I do not even Think this is kids friendly. I think it said the f word" my aunt boyfriend said. "Google the lyrics" she said. "It has the f word" he said. "Well I like it" I said. When it was over i went to my room without watching the ball drop and the whole time I was humming Cake by the Ocean. 


My favorite color is blue just like Nick's and Joe's. My favorite food is pizza like Frankie's. But when I go to a restaurant I normally get chicken like Joe. My favorite brother is... not ever going to tell any one that. My favorite ice cream is fudge brownie ice cream. I also listen to music in my free time. I have a lot in common with my brothers. 

Bored out of my mind I've been googling my brother and when I see Kevin I'm going to hit him up side the head. He better hope he did not make Nick break a rib. Then tell him to walk it of. So low Kev so low. 

I have a lot of anger at my brother for very good reasons though. Like the fact they haven't came to see me in 6 years. Or bother calling. I knew Kev was having a baby when Dani was pregnant with Alena but I wasn't told she was born or that Valentina was born I had to google that. Then Nick and Joe got married wasn't invited to neither of there weddings. The only brother I'm not mad at is Frankie. I know Frankie better than any of my brothers. I knew Frankie did not like being called bonus Jonas a long time before he told the other. Nick tried to call me bonus Jonas number 2 and I told him if he every called me that again I would tell mom he was being mean. He shout his mouth after that. It also important to know that we have a Jonas Sibling Rule Book. So if there a problem we know what to do and who to do it. 

( I Will talk about the rules in next part do not worry thing will get better and there will be more about the boys in up coming parts. She just doesn't know she will see them soon.)

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