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Life turns to be Wonderful for Meera with the love of her life..His Attention and Love has melted her inner fears and masked emotions deeper down making her freed from the chains which she brought up with 

After few months of their Marriage, Sidhanth took Meera to his Home town  Raigad ...She's so happy finding Sidhanth very excited about the trip. She finds a Room where sid finds immense solace and happiness within..She wants to know and reached the room and finds sidhanth searching for something in a trunk to arrange the room neatly..He doesn't even allow the helper to clean.. He wants to be done on his own

"Hi" Meera finally moves forward to the doorstep just admiring her husband's smiling face 

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"Hi" Meera finally moves forward to the doorstep just admiring her husband's smiling face 

"Hey..why r u standing there..come here" sid welcomed her sweetly

M: "U seems so much happy being here"

S:"Hahh, It's like my solace...My home...I just loved to be here"

"It's Uncle Room right?" she asked him calmly as she can able to see the excitement just like an innocent  lill boy to  make everything perfect 

"Yes, LIEUTENANT COLONEL VIKRANTH VARMA'S Room " utters Sidhanth with a bright smile turning back to gaze at his wife as she smiles in acknowledging 

M: "Then why weren't u in the armed forces?"

S:"It's all becoz of My Uncle who bought me up from all odds... I just can't let him down for my happiness"

M:"U Loved Dad so much ..don't u? I can see that in your eyes"

"Dad, I feel immense pride whenever I address him with his full name

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"Dad, I feel immense pride whenever I address him with his full name.. He's My Hero!! My mentor and My best friend.!! Dad- Mom parted away when I was 7 ..Although they were parted away but still there for each other ... I used to be with Dad, Mostly at the camp guest house when he's off to duty and when he's back with him. I was so attached to him. It took so much time and effort to bring peace back in life with Manav. Mom passed away after 2 months of his demise with Cardiac Arrest as he couldn't able to believe he's no more  And Just like that, I have lost them both ..My Family at once!"

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