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Niall woke up to the strange metallic hum of machinery. Each clink of the gears left an echo in the dark (Almost like the sound of a stone hitting a metal pail.)

Slowly emerging from his unnatural slumber, The young, slender yet well built man woke to find himself on the rusted floor of some unfamiliar place.

A small shift in the ground sent a jolt through the blonde and he shot up from the floor now more Frightened than ever.

A quick glance around and he realized he was going down underground in an old elevator shaft, the light of the warm and welcoming atmosphere quickly fading to black the lower he went.

Niall didn't know where he was or how he got here, heck he can't even remember who he was!

A small crinkle in his back pocket interested the young blonde, curious he dug his calloused hand into the hem line of his jeans and pulled out a sealed envelope. Turning the crinkled envolope in his hand he found a small red wax seal and pulled it open.

A moan of wind echoed through the empty shaft, causing the blond's neck hairs to stand on end, slowly Niall pulled the letter out and opened it to reveal the soft green glow of some type of glow in the dark ink.


The world you now live in is a dangerous place. Crawling with boobie traps and a strange huminoid, most commonly referd to as The Echo Beast. This monster is allusive and very hard to find since it is a deathly silent creature. He is a flesh eater and attracted to anything that makes noise. So do your best to keep quiet, it can't find you that way.

There are a few things you need to do to make it out of here... Alive.

1. Scattered sporadically throughout these tunnels are little hints and clues to help you make it to the end. Find them, read them, and put them in the backpack we have provided you.

Niall turned his head and cast his gaze toward the blood tinted floor, A small backpack sat slouched against a splintered metal beam. I should really be careful, I almost touched that. I need to look out for more stuff like that. Giving the backpack on last glance he turned back to the letter in hand.

2. Don't talk. Don't do anything that will cause sound.

3. Don't look back. Ever! Just keep moving forward.

But why though?

4. If it chases you, hide anywhere you can squeeze yourself into.
(Out of sight, out of mind.)

5. If you see or hear anything strange RUN! The beast is a master at trickery.

Good luck down there young one, and welcome to the echo zone.
I hope to see you again soon,

Well what a dick.

A break in the walls released a cold gust of wind onto the barely covered arms of the young lad. Niall shivered and released a small whimper from his lips, throwing the letter in his pack Niall suddenly grew nervous.

The elevator had slowed until it came to an abrupt stop at what appeared to be the bottom of the shaft. Surrounded by nothing but darkness and the rusted chains that raised and lowered the elevator, Niall slung the small black backpack on his back and took in the complete darkness that he had to learn to live in.

So this is home now? Niall thought, looking around at the dark and slimy bricks that lined the walls.

Little did he know that someone or something was staring back at him... almost as if it was watching his every move.

But Niall didn't know that, all he knew is that he wanted to stay here on the rusted flatbed that was the elevator, willing for it to take him back up.

Silence (Ziall)Where stories live. Discover now