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Hello, dear readers! I really hope you enjoy this book, but first: a disclaimer and some words of warning. 

I don't own any of these characters, the setting of Hogwarts or the base theme for my story. For legal reasons, I am required to give J.K. Rowling credit for these, but I would like to say that ABSOLUTELY NO HOMOPHOBIA WILL BE ACCEPTED. This is a safe space, and if I see any hurtful comments, they will be reported. These include racist, sexist, anti-semitic, and all-round rude messages, though constructive criticism (and shouting in anger at characters when they do something dumb) is always welcome. This is my first ever book on Wattpad, though I love to write, so please be kind.

Secondly, I would like to say right now that this story will talk openly about mental health and depression. If these topics are triggering for you, I recommend perhaps reading a different book as these are major themes in this work. There is no shame in not feeling comfortable reading a story set on these lines; especially if you have suffered in the past. Know that you are loved (at the very least by me) and that you are stronger than you think. 

Last, but not least: I do not intend to include any graphic sexual activity. There will be romance, there will be sexual tension, but nothing more included in detail in the text itself. Please do not pressure me for smut as I do not feel comfortable writing it, and I would appreciate if you didn't accuse me of robbing you, dear readers, as I am telling you before hand that it's not going to happen.

And without further ado...Please enjoy Eyes of Phthalo Green!

AN: Just in case you dont know, phthalo green is a dark green-blue color. If any of you have any theories about where the plot will go, please leave them in the comments because I would love to hear what you think! And who knows, your ideas might just make it into the book ;). I'm going to try to update weekly, unless it's finals week or I'm on vacation. Chapters might vary in length. Love you all, 


Eyes of Phthalo Green - DRARRYWhere stories live. Discover now