Chapter 3

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After a few minutes, we stopped in an alleyway and he set me down gently before walking up to a manhole cover.

I looked at him confused and asked. "What are you doing?"

He moved the manhole cover with ease and looked at me. "come on" ignoring my question.

Before I could say anything he jumped down in the hole, you just sighed and walked over to it and looked for the ladder, which was not there. "Leo?"

Leo: "just jump, dont worry ill catch you" smiling a bit I take a deep breath and slowly jumped in, I shut my eyes ready for impact.

Leo: "you can open your eyes" he chuckled

I open my eyes and look at him, he was holding me in bridle style, a peaceful catch. I smile at him and he starts walking again. "you know I can walk right?"

Leo: "yea I know.." he kept walking and kept his eyes forward. I giggled and held onto him tightly and relaxes.


He put me down after awhile of walking and taking turns, I look around to see a very nice place, even though its in the sewers. you look around in awe and smiled.

Y/N: "you live here?, its very nice" I looked back at him.

Leo: "y-yes, and thank you"

we smiled at each other before another voice came in.

"weeeeeeeell look whos back from another patrol, what happened? whos this?" The giant mutant glanced at me, making me stiff up and look at Leo.

Leo: "someone, I uh, saved from the foot clan, I had to bring her here for safety.." He scratched the back of his neck.

Raphael: " ok well, so she knows, I'm Raphael, dont mess with me." he crossed his arms and looked at me.

I smiled " I'm Y/N-" Before I can say my last name another mutant turtle came running in and ran over to me with a huge smile. "HI!! I'm Michelangelo but you can call me Mikey" he winked at me and I just giggle "very nice to meet you Mikey" another turtle walks in, I remembered there names, so I know this must be Donatello, he was walking in with some translucent computer on.

He was mumbling numbers and distracted, Leo sighed and walked over to him, turning the computer off. " yo be polite" Donatello looked at me "oh, my names Donatello, call me Donnie."

I nodded "its nice to meet you all, my names Y/N L/N" they all look at each other before leo said something.

Leo: "Donnie"

Donnie: " L/N, your the daughter of F/N F/L/N?"

I nodded and looked at Leo, he just nodded and walked off. before I could follow, Mikey rapped a arm around my shoulder and led me to what looked like a living room.

Mikey: " so, what kind of movies do you like? do you play video games? ooooooh do you like pizza?"

I laughed " I like all kinds of movies, and yes and yes hehe."


after playing my favorite game with Mikey and winning every round, I yawn and rub my eyes. "what time is it?"

Leo: "time for you to get some rest" I jump at his voice and turned to look at him.

Mikey: "awww man come on one more round I need to beat her!"

I smile " oh is that a challenge!" before we could do anything else, Leo took the controller out of mine and Mikey's hands. "hey!"

Leo: " come on.."

Mikey whines but stands up and winks at me before heading to his own room.

I giggle and look at Leo, who rolled his eyes and turned the stuff off and putting it away. I yawn and cuddle a pillow that was on the couch and watched Leo.

Leo: "stay here" He then walked off, I smiled and slowly closed my eyes, yawning again. After a short amount of time, I feel a light fabric laid on top of me, I smile knowing its blanket, cuddling it.

Leo: "tell me if need anything ok?" I simply nod, feeling very sleepy, but before dozing off and him walking away, I sit up and grab his big hand, I blush and pulled him in a hug. After a a second he hugged me back.

Y/N: "thank you, Leo" I quickly kiss his cheek and let go and smile.

He smiled and I swear I saw him blush, he said "good night" before walking off to his room. I lay back down and sigh, slowly closing my eyes, slowly drifting off to sleep.

to be continued..

Thank you everyone thats reading my series, or.. book? lol, see you in the next one.

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