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"Yah, Yuna.." Her deskmate called as she snapped her fingers in front of the unfazed girl since earlier

"Yeah!?, I think Jeju is nice too" Yuna that had just woken from her deep thoughts replied immediately and looked at Yeeun that was chuckling

"What?" Yuna asked wondering about her friend's reaction

"I was asking If you won't mind me copying your answers in our math homework, what Jeju trip are you talking about?" Yeeun laughingly asked getting up from her seat

"O-Oh..Uh.. Nothing, Here" Yuna embarrassingly answered back while passing her notebook towards her

"Thank you!, Gotta go for now missy! I have to do my work at the Broadcasting room since I'm assigned this year" Yeeun bid her farewell to her friend

"Goodbye then Miss J!" Yuna cheekily replied at her while the other's eyes widen and told her friend shush as she walked leaving the other girl sighing deeply

Kai was waiting outside the classroom, not minding the lovingly stares that girls were giving to him

"Yuna!" Kai excitingly greeted while waving his hand and approached her

"Do they know each other??"

"What does this girl have to do with my prince!?"

"Is he trying to hit on her?"

"Oh, no..Chaos is gonna happen"

"I remembered Woochan that tried to court her was expelled in this school a month ago.."

"It was true!?"

"We're they acquainted with each other??"

Whispers started forming at the hallway yet the blond boy doesn't seem to have time to give attention to that..

Yuna noticing this, avoided the boy that she thought she wouldn't be able meet ever again..

Walking away from him,  made the boy confused about her actions and followed her making the girl mentally sigh

"H-Hi Yuna" Kai nervously greeted as he looked at the girl that had a stoic facial expression

"What do you need transferee? " Yuna roughly saying the word 'transferee' as she was walking faster.

Maintaining her eyes in front of her way making the boy smile faltered a bit

"You still looked the same as before" Kai muttered audible only to the both of them making Yuna unconsciously clenched her fists

"You mean the gullible, clueless, underrated girl you left?" Yuna snapped at him making the boy immediately shook his head as no

"I-I mean to say y-you look gorgeous" Kai innocently stammered and mentally facepalm himself for the confusion he made

"J-Just leave me alone." Yuna seriously said and looked at him straight in the eye and walked away leaving the boy

'Ouch..kinda pierced straight right into me' Kai sadly stated in his mind knowing she was right

"I guess this is what she felt when I left" Kai said to himself, sadly smiling watching the girl's silhouette walking far away

"Yuna?" A female's voice called making her whipped her head up seeing one of her roommates

"Giselle Unnie!" Yuna greeted the older girl as she stood up from the bench

"What are you doing here?" Giselle asked at her confusedly at the girl in front of her classroom

"Can't I go here?" Yuna innocently asked the older girl

"That's not the case,  but isn't your  classroom at the next level?" Giselle stated

"It's our break so I just kinda wanted to see you" Yuna reasoned out with an awkward smile on her face

"We clearly meet each other back at the dorm anyways" Giselle chuckled at the younger girl's reason

"I mean, I was planning to invite you to eat with me at the cafeteria" Yuna stated as she smiled

"That's sweet! I'll totally join---" Before Giselle could happily continue, another voice interrupted their conversation

"Sorry to interrupt ladies. But Ms. Uchinaga and I have an important meeting about our school event preparations" A male's voice stated making the korean-japanese girl pout

"Pres. , Can I not join the meeting for now?" Giselle asking permission at the SC President that made his ears flare up by the sudden stare

"I-It's a very i-important meeting" Jay internally cussing for stuttering in front of the SC Secretary

"I have to decline your invitation then Yuna.." The older girl sadly said making the younger one understandably nod

"Its okay! See you at the dorm!!" Yuna exclaimed while running off..

Arriving at the cafeteria, Yuna coincidentally met with Wonyoung—and an arm male arm clung at hers with is no other than her suitor Jeongin

"Nice seeing you here, sister-in-law!" Jeongin playfully greeted Yuna making Wonyoung internally face-palm because of the boy's behaviour

"You, Arms. off. her " Yuna pointed out, that made the boy immediately remove his arms that was around Wonyoung and pouted

"Anyway, Since you barge in me and my angel's date..It's your treat!" Jeongin concluded making the other gasp

"It's not a date!" Wonyoung glared at the boy only to be replied by a smile

"Excuse me?, I just sat here. My lonely self just sat here" Yuna retorted to the male

"You're single, What do you expect?" Wonyoung said making the Yuna automatically zip her mouth and pout

"So you do admit that we're dating!" He smirked while trying to put his arm around her shoulder

"Don't put words on my mouth, you bread!" She nudge his ribs, unable to at least place his arms over her shoulder

"Such a lucky day to be a Third-Wheeler " Yuna muttered full sarcasm

"Not today!" A voice piped in and sat beside her that made Yuna turn her head immediately

"Zhong Chenle!" Wonyoung cheerily greeted the male,  while Jeongin rolled his eyes

"I'M BACK, HOOMANS!!" Chenle happily exclaimed

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