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I placed yumemis sweater against my fan to dry it off. Only the hood was slightly wet. After it was dried I folded it neatly and placed it on my bed. I reminded Ryota to text me if he needed anything. He hasn't texted me. I hope he's doing fine at home.

Instead, the person who was texting me was midari.

I had eaten dinner and was lying on the couch.

'Yo, mall on sat?' She asked as I shook my head

Fuck I have to go to the mall on Saturday with Yumemi. I already promised her.

'Busy this weekend. Maybe next weekend.' I typed back.

'Damn you got more important things to do than hang with me?'

'Bitch I said I'm busy' I responded before thinking maybe I came off a little too aggressive. 'Next week I promise' I double texted.

'Alright. Better not have fun without me' she texted, ending the conversation.

Later that night I went up to my room. I was tired as hell. I stood next to my bed, looking at yumemis folded sweater on my bed.

I... stood. I didn't know what to do. I held onto it gently as I pressed it against my chest. The fabric was thick and warm. I changed out of my day time clothes and put on my night wear, well not really. I wore shorts. Standing half nude in front of my bed, I held onto the sweater as I undid the sheets, lying down in my bed with yumemis sweater still in my hand.

I slipped the sweater over my body once again, feeling the warmth of the fabric touch my skin. I sank back into my sheets as I wore the sweater. It felt so comforting I can't explain it.

I placed my phone on my nightstand so I didn't get distracted, and closed my eyes, trying to sleep.

I wrapped my arms around each other giving myself a hug as I noticed how good it smelt.

Yumemis perfume. Her bubble gum perfume specifically. It smelt like cotton candy and whenever I was with her, I could smell the beautiful scent.

I leant up in my bed before the reality hit me.

"Why the fuck am I smelling her sweater like some kind of creep?" I asked myself before going for the zipper to take the sweater off.

But I couldn't pull myself to do it. It was like Yumemi was hugging me and I don't want the hug to end.

I laid into bed with her sweater still wrapped around my body. It reminded me so much of her. Why was I doing this?

My heart was beating so unbelievably fast. What the fuck is happening?


I woke up the next morning, still having the fluffy sweater wrapped around my body. I sat up, scratching my hair as I yawned.

I knew I couldn't wear this sweater forever, so I ended up taking it off, and putting on my school uniform. Today was Friday, meaning tomorrow I would be going with Yumemi to the mall.

I've never been out in public with her. I wonder if she gets asked for autographs by fans. There's so much about Yumemi I want to know about.

I arrived at school after eating some quick cereal, a goodbye to my mother, and a long ass bus ride.

Why the hell was there so much traffic?

Shit. I'm late. Thanks a lot stupid ass traffic.

I basically ran to my class, sitting down noticing I was the last student there. Of course the day I'm late is the day everyone is already in school. Bullshit luck.

"Hey (y/n) nice timing" Mary teased as I shook my head.

"I'm sweating my tits off shut up." I joked as I pulled my books out of my bag, placing them on my desk.

"Wait how come you all are here on time?" I asked to which Yumeko and Mary giggled.

"We come to school from the opposite direction you idiot." They joked

I just rolled my eyes. Not gonna lie, that was a stupid thing to think, and even more embarrassing to ask. I totally forgot how many places there are around the school.

"Are you free this weekend?" Mary asked, as I looked at her.

"No I'm busy with something. Sorry." I said bluntly as Yumeko frowned at me.

"C'mon (y/n)! Pleeeassse." She begged.

"Maybe another time." I shrugged.

Yumemi asked me first, and for some reason, she was the one I wanted to be with. It's like something about her that I'm strangely attached to.

The day had ended and I went home with midari. I felt bad for not going home with her yesterday, so I wasn't going to let her go home alone twice in a row. Plus, I know she gets pissy taking the bus alone.

"So what are you doing this Saturday?" Midari asked me. I shook my head once again.

"Midari I told you I can't this weekend." I responded, sitting next to the bus stop as she leaned against the glass.

"Fine fine. But this weekend I'm going to be all alone!" She whined.

"What's one weekend midari? One fucking weekend without me won't kill you." I laugh to which she grabs my shoulders.

"Don't leave me with my demon of a sister all weekend (yyyyyyyy/nnnnnnnnn)" she whined.

"How about you go out then. By yourself, or you could always kick your sister out." I joked.

"Oh yeah! I'll see if Yumemi can babysit her. Then she'll be outta my hair." Midari seemed proud of herself for giving herself that option.

"Yumemi is busy." I told her, without thinking twice.

"How do you know?" She asked to which I bit my lip. Shit. She's going to be with me but I can't say that. I said it out of instinct but now I just sound like a creep.

"She told me!" I lied.

"Ugh," she just grunted, I just ignored it and we hopped onto the bus.

"See you Monday I guess." She made herself sound like a sad little child as she got off the bus.

"Bye midari." I said seductively in a joking tone.

I watched her through the bus window as she gave me the middle finger before sticking her tongue out in a joking way.

I giggled before the bus continued, her leaving my view. I put my headphones on as the bus continued moving.

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