Just A Qurikless Nobody

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Probably going to be a TW but idk what yet, maybe neglect, and bad thoughts.

If there are any spelling errors pls comment them, I really want to make this book as good as I can. Also pls expect a lot of mistakes.


A little boy with green hair, shinning green eyes that were filled with excitement, happiness, and all other kinds of emotions, sat at the doctor's office waiting for his quirk test results.

The green haired kid and his mother had been there for hours on end, the little green bean having done over 50 tests to see what quirk he had. The tests ranged from, seeing if he had a power enhancer quirk, to a simple eye quirk.

The little green haired kid could be seen jumping about in his chair, holding a All Might figure, a smile shinning so bright it would put the sun to shame.

The door opens to the room, revealing the doctor, a bald, on my bigger side, man wearing a white lantern coat with a baby blue shirt underneath.

Normally when a kid is tested for a quirk, the doctor walks in with a smile on there face. Not this doctor though. No, this doctor wore a disgusted expression, filled with other emotions like anger, and disappointment.

As he walks in he dosen't even look at the poor green haired boy. Sitting down on his stool, he take a piece of paper off his clipboard, and hands it to the taller green haired woman. Slightly worried, she looks at the paper, only to find what the doctor looked so disgusted by.

Her son.

Was Quirkless

Looking up at her son, she sees him with a confused face. Looking back at the doctor, she stands up and gives a small smile to the doctor, grabs her son's small fragile hand and walks to her car.

No words were spoken.

The doctor knew not too.

The mother knew not too.

The son, even though he didn't know what was going on, didn't speak.

As soon as she got out the car, her smile dropped. Not even laying a eye on her son.

The small green eyes begging for a answer from the biggers ones, only to get nothing. Not even a single look.

she buckled her son in his car seat, not even bothering to look into his eyes.

She didn't have the guts. Looking into her son's eyes right now was like looking at the sun, the longer you look at it, the more it hurts.


The car ride home was silent.

The boy to afraid to speak by the angry look on his mother's face.

The mother blinded by her disappointment and rage, had forgotten her son was in the back of her car.

Arriving home the mother Inko (pretty sure that's how you spell it) got out of the car heading to the door of the house, leaving the 4 year old named Izuku Midoriya to get out of his carseat by himself.

Normally, Inko would get Izuku out of the car with a smile of her face, but now, she's not even sparring a glance at him.

Confused, Izuku try's to undo the buckle holding him in, with it being summer the car was getting hotter. Struggling his eyes start to water.

After 5 minutes he gets it undone, opening the car door and hopping out, he makes his way to his houses door.

Once inside, he calls out to his mother, which she does not answer to. He walks around the house until he finds his mother in the living room, sitting on the couch, watching the news.

A smile forming on the boys face he runs over to his mother standing in front of her, rocking from his heels to his toes.

His mother still doesn't look down at him. Unbothered by it the little boy speaks up.

"What's my quirk mommy!?"

Finally the mother spares a glance at the small smiling green haired boy in front at her. Turning her gaze back to the TV, only saying 2 words that will brake her son.

"Your quirkless"

The little boy stops moving, still looking up at his mother, his smile starts to fade, leaving a frown were the smile used to be. Tears starting to gloss over his eyes.

"Your just a useless kid. Now get going, I don't want anything to do with you."

The tears that once glossed over the green emerald orbs start falling down the little boys face.

Nodding his head he runs up to his room.

Shutting the door to his room, he slides down the door, the words of his mother playing in his head

"Your just a useless kid."

The thought of being useless made him cry harder.

How can someone so useless be a hero?


Hai, author here, this book probably won't go anywhere. I mean if this got like 5 reads I would be really happy. If you are reading this now, THANK YOU!!!!

There is no confirmed posting schedule, but I will try and post a chapter at least once a week, I will probably post more in one week tho. [Update] [I probably wont do more than one a week]

Also this story has no plot to it, I just had to write it before I forgot it lol.

Words: 895

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2021 ⏰

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