Chapter 1: Serpent's Kiss

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The gun aimed at the woman's head clicked once and she slowly began to grin. Loud music crashed through her mind as the pair stood in the dark alleyway behind a crappy bar called Ollie's. The smelly air was beginning to feel like a luxury as the mans arm crushed her throat but as the woman began to feel lightheaded, she only smiled bigger. The bald mans rank breath fanned across her face as he leaned in closer to growl at her,

"Princess you have a gun pointed at your head, what's funny about that?"

The woman began to laugh before choking slightly as a stronger wave of dizziness passed over her. "Thigh-" Her dark red lips opened slightly as she coughed again. His deathly grip lightened slightly in his confusion. "What the hell are you talking about? I don't have time for this little lady. I need to know why a rich bitch like yourself was snooping around the-" The woman pressed in closer to his chest and laid a hand on his ugly stubbly jaw and looked up at him with bright, blue eyes. "Look at my thigh, handsome," She gave him a seductive, bedroom smile and laid her blonde head against the grimy alley wall. "You won't regret it."

Lust shown in the ugly mans eyes and he looked around before murmuring, "Know what, I have time to play your little game darling. But after, I'm gonna have to off you, ya know."

"Do it. Look." A new, sharper tone entered the woman's voice.

The man slid his hand down to the edge of her sparkling red dress before he pulled it up higher. Even in the dim light of the alleyway, he quickly made out the swirling snake tattoo. His eyes widened and he stumbled back so fast, he tripped on his own big feet. "No no no- I didn't- I had no- please- y-you're-" The woman cracked her neck before grinning and pushing her self off of the disgusting wall. Her movements were smooth (like a snake) and graceful.

"Say it. Who am I darling?"

"You're a- a serpent-" (see, told u)

The man began to hyperventilate and his neck whipped back and forth, frantically looking for an exit. when the back door of the bar opened. There stood a tall, pale man with a gold nose ring.

"Chee Chee, man run! This chicks a snake-"

Blood bubbled at "Chee Chee's" mouth as his eyes rolled back into his head. His large form slumped onto the ground and a black stiletto stepped daintily on the dead mans head. Three more pairs of heels filed in after and the first woman yawned and waved her hand.

"Kill him Viper. And you two, burn the club down. I'm tired of dealing with rats. We need to report to Prisim asap, so hurry. Bangtan will be here soon."

The fire department took an hour to finally arrive at the club. By that time, there was nothing recognizable about the place once teaming with people and drugs. Two figures stood in the shadows of a building near by, watching as the police and firemen swarmed the place trying to find something, anything that would point to why this had happened.

The taller man with black hair scoffed. "The Serpents never leave behind evidence, those cops are wasting their time. What are we gonna do, boss?" He turned to look at the shorter man who took a slow drag of the blunt in his hand.

"We have to find out what's most precious to Prism. Unfortunately, if we kill the leader there are others ready to step up and take her place. But if we take out what or who she cares about the most, we can send a message that we aren't to be messed with." He sighed as he turned to leave. "We'll be seeing a lot more of them though. No one messes with Bangtan and gets away with it."

The first man grinned.

"Of course Mr. Min."


Okay homies, this story has been sitting in the drafts for literally years, what better time to pull it out than when my life is falling apart? :D Don't be a stranger, leave a comment! I'd love to hear from you

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