Chapter 2

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The Downs cinema was a high-tech master machine, the lobby was huge, circular with banners lining the edges. It used to be the pinnacle of our towns new approach to technology but was soon replaced on the list. I walked into the cinema 30 minutes early hoping to catch a glimpse of anything suspicious. I got my ticket from the hi-tech booking machine and noticed that 35 tickets had been pre booked already. I was allowed to wait outside my screen for the film but the film was a girly type and I had no care for it.  It seemed like forever until the movie started but I didn’t mind. When I was let in I sat at the very top looking down hopefully; slowly people started noticing me and were laughing but I didn’t mind, I knew who they were anyway, they’d never see me coming.  As the adverts rolled up I started to count the people. There were 33 out of the 35 tickets I knew had been sold; as the film started I noticed two people walk in the door. It was strange because they were both male adults and had no children with them; I followed them to the corner where they immediately started a discussion. It was as if they had no idea that there was a film going on. I continued to watch them when I noticed something odd.  The police sergeant was here off duty in the middle of the day. Then as a bright light illuminated the screen I saw the notebook passed along to the other man. They both got up and left and in a minute I was in hot pursuit.

In the films everyone has flash cars and gadgets.  In my case I had my feet and my enemies the same. The two were walking quite briskly away at one point they split up and I had to follow the man with the notebook. He walked up to a campervan and got in, I jumped onto the back and then clambered along the roof towards the front careful too not make a sound and aided in this desire by the vans full length canvas sun roof.  I was excited before I came and had packed a pen knife not knowing how useful it would be. I quickly found the sharpest knife then shoved it into the canvas at the rear of the sunroof shaping out a circle then kicking down; the car started up and I quickly jumped in replacing the roof as soon as I landed .The back of the van was spacious, with nothing in the back it was almost luxurious but puzzling at the same time. There was a partition blocking the back from the driver so I knew he shouldn’t be able to see me.  Just as I thought this a small rectangular hole opened up, the notebook chucked through, and the hole disappearing before the notebook had even hit the floor.  I anxiously walked over to the book then picked it up expecting something else to pop out; when nothing did I opened it up, the pages seemed to be blank but I put it into my pocket. Then I realised that I was stuck in a strangers van going at god knows how many mph. I would have screamed if I hadn’t regained my scared head forcing me to stop so I didn’t risk my cover. Then I thought about my position and figured that if I jumped out at the next set of traffic lights I could just get away. I felt the vehicle stop then barged out jumping into the air and landing on the front of the car behind.  I ignored all the puzzled looks I get from the drivers and stand up getting onto the roof of the car before jumping to the next roof before reaching a sidewalk and jumping off.  I roughly knew where I was so ran off towards home.

“You are so dead B” my friend tells me over the phone as I phone him s, on my way home to ask if he wants to hang out. “How’d you find out” I ask him. I didn’t want my mum to find out about this so I had to know how to steer her away. “Dude it’s all over the news, everywhere. Wanna hear a quote ‘Beyal Hunt, a boy in secondary school, who 2 days ago had a conflict with a child murderer and found himself fighting for his life has been spotted jumping out of a van and running across cars. Say goodbye to your weekend now!” I was annoyed.  “But you still will approach me right?” I ask half joking. “Ok, meet you at the park in 5”

It was weird and silent at the park. Fin wanted to know about the incident and why I did it but I couldn’t tell him.  “Beyal I have some news...” my friend pauses “I am no longer friends with... him” I knew this was going to happen, Fin and my friend Adam hated each other. “Ok...” I sighed. We just sat there then Fin stood up and said that he was leaving, I just mumbled ok and after he left I got out the notebook and saw what the sergeant was writing: KEEP AN EYE ON:  BEYAL HUNT ,JASPER GILES. I stopped reading and put the notebook back in my pocket. Then I walked home. As soon as I stepped through the door I got unloaded with punishments but I knew how to avoid them. I told Dad he was drunk and Mum that Dad issued punishments not her then went to my room to do my homework.

It was Sunday the next day. Normally waking up was a dream and going to sleep was reality but today was different; Fin had invited me for a secret meeting under the bridge yesterday and I had agreed but heading out the door I wasn’t entirely sure that I had made the right choice. When I arrived he was by a sign looking around to check no-one was watching. “Beyal, there’s a reason I stuck to Adam as long as I did, you see...” I was starting to hate his pauses “I’m a spy” I would either have laughed or thought he’d been making fun of me if his face wasn’t so serious. “I know you don’t believe me so press that symbol when I am gone and you’ll see”.  He didn’t say goodbye but left me with that and walked away. When I heard him run I knew he was making fun of me, I started to run after him but stumbled and hit the wall, then as I did the wall vanished and I fell though into a corridor it had no doors except for one at the end with the mysterious symbol above it. My heart froze.         

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